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I had never thought I was ugly, but I’d always thought my looks veered on the cute side. I was short, a little round, and had wild red hair and freckles. But tonight, I was having to rethink my cute persona as my witch costume seemed to be attracting a lot more attention than my previous ones ever had.

Lyle Simmons and Jacob Donner in particular seemed interested in me. Lyle couldn’t seem to look me in the eyes and instead had a perma-gaze on my boobs. I’d dressed to appeal to men, but I didn’t much like the leering. Jacob was more discreet about it, and he was a fun guy although not one I was particularly interested in dating.

The truth was, the one person I’d wanted to notice wasn’t interested. When Cyrus arrived at my door, for a moment, as he took in my costume, I thought maybe he was appreciating my assets. But then his face morphed into that blank look that he must have learned as a SEAL.

I made a few feeble, pathetic attempts to get his attention, like when I used his arm, which was massive and hard, to help me balance as I put on my high heels. But he was like he always was, friendly but aloof.

For me, I was happy to be his friend, but I was getting sexually frustrated. Especially with him dressed as Zorro. The all-black outfit fit him. The mask was like a metaphor to what was hidden inside him. He was like sex on a stick and didn’t even know it.

When we danced to Sinatra, I thought I was going to go up in flames. His large hand engulfed mine. His other hand rested on my hip and I could feel the warmth of it through my dress. He smelled so good. I wanted to know what soap he used so I could buy it. I wanted to press against him to learn more about the hard lines of his body, but he held me away, which was a reminder that we were just friends.

Trying to distract myself from the intoxication of him, I asked, “Are you having fun?”

“Sure. I’m enjoying this,” he said although he didn’t sound like he meant it.

“I love dancing.” I let my head drop back and enjoy the smooth sound of Sinatra and the sweet buzz made by Halloweentinis, and the feel of Cyrus holding me. I was really in heaven.

But I couldn’t let my mind go there. “I was surprised Conner knew my costume. I didn’t think anyone would,” I said.

“He and many men seem taken with your costume.”

I got the feeling Cyrus didn’t approve. Was he prude? Me? I sort of liked the idea that for once men were attracted to me.

Jacob bumped into us. “Oh, sorry Petal.”

Cyrus immediately swung me away.

It was exhilarating. “You take my breath away, Cyrus.”

He let out a little grunt. He really was being a trooper if he hated parties so much.

He pulled me closer to him and I couldn’t resist resting my head on his chest. Like his bicep had been, it was hard and warm.

“You smell good Cyrus. Like strength. And honor.” That was likely the tipsy me. I’d be embarrassed about it tomorrow, but tonight I just wanted to have fun.

“Those have scents?”

I shrugged and smiled up at him. “They do now. It’s what I always think of when you’re near. I’m safe.” Maybe that’s why I wanted his soap. Every time I’d use it, I’d think of him and feel safe.

When the song ended, I stepped back before I did anything embarrassing like jump him.

“Hey, Petal, how about a dance?” Jacob said as he approached us. Michael Jackson’s Thriller started to play.

“Oh hey, Jacob. Yeah sure. I love this song.” I looked up at Cyrus thinking he’d be relieved to not have to dance. “Thank you, Cyrus. I really enjoyed that.”

He smiled, but it was forced. If anything, Cyrus was annoyed and irritated. He really didn’t want to be at this party. I seemed to be his crutch to get through the party, as after our dance, he often came over to me with a drink or asked me to

dance again. At one point we went outside for some air, and he totally shocked me when he agreed to bob for apples in a bowl of vodka.

At one point, I wondered if he didn’t like the other men around me as that’s usually when he’d show up. I even considered that his aloofness got worse at my apartment, and perhaps he’d seen my dating profile and didn’t like that I was signed up for online dating.

I quickly dismissed that. We were friends.

I took a little breather in the kitchen and found April and Jude there. He had her pinned against the counter.

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance