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I washed up and exited the shower. I shaved and brushed my teeth, and then putting my robe on, I re-entered my bedroom. I dressed in slacks and a polo shirt with my gym’s logo on it. Then I went to wake Maisie. Fortunately, she was a morning person, and always bounded out of bed with a cheery disposition.

“Today is my party,” she announced as she came into the kitchen wearing the clothes that she’d set out the night before.

“It is.” I set her breakfast of an egg and some fruit on the table.

“You won’t forget to come, will you?” She sat in her chair and looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

“When have I ever forgotten?”

She grinned at me. “Never.”

“I won’t forget today. Now, eat up. Tessa will be here in a few minutes.” The image of Tessa naked on her kitchen table flashed in my brain, and blood rushed to my dick. Down, boy, I thought, chastising myself for letting my brain go there. God, if she knew the things that I thought of her, she’d probably be horrified.

There was a knock. As I went to answer it knowing it was Tessa, I had to hope she couldn’t tell that I lusted for her.



Dylan’s ex, Veronica, was a well-known model who likely made a ton of money selling lingerie, designer clothes, and skin care products. But I was sure that Dylan would make more if he decided to go into modeling. He was a perfect specimen, at least as far as I could see. The truth was, I hadn’t ever seen a lot. I’d never seen him without his shirt on. But he wore his clothes in a way that showed off his perfect physique.

When I arrived to pick up Maisie for school, Dylan answered the door in khaki pants and a polo with his company’s logo. I watched him, appreciating the hard-defined muscle from his taut ass to his sculpted chest and strong arms as he made his way through the open living area to the kitchen. I wanted more than anything to see what he looked like in the flesh. Even if I could only look and not touch, I wanted to see the six-pack of his abs and defined pecs. Okay, so I did want to touch too, but even if I couldn’t, seeing him in all his glory would give me plenty to work with when I was alone at night in my room wishing for a man’s touch.

“Maisie, Tessa is here,” he said, helping her down from the table. When he turned to me, I quickly tried to mask that I was admiring him from behind.

I turned my attention to Maisie. “Don’t forget your brownies, unless your dad ate them all.”

“Daddy, did you eat them?” Maisie looked up at him as she put her hands on her hips.

He held his hands up in surrender. “I wanted to, but didn’t.”

“I knew you were a secret chocolate monster,” I said teasingly.

He winked. “Mais, go get your backpack.”

“’Kay.” She ran out of the kitchen toward her room.

“Do you want some coffee?” he asked.

“No, thank you,” I said. “The school party is at one today, if you can still come.”

“I’ll be there.” He ran his hand through his short dark hair. “I can’t believe Maisie is finishing her first year of school.” He shook his head. “It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital.”

I smiled, not hiding how much I loved how open he was with his love for Maisie. I’d never seen nor heard about grandparents, which lead me to believe Dylan hadn’t had a family life like he was working to give Maisie.

“I hear that a lot from parents. Do you think you’ll have more kids someday?”

He shook his head as he dumped his coffee in the sink. “No. Maisie is it. She’s all I need.”

“What if you got married again?” It would be a shame that such a wonderful man wouldn’t share his love with more children.

He pulled Maisie’s lunch box from the counter and began filling it with healthy foods. “Been there, done that. Didn’t take.”

“Really? You’re giving up just because your first-at-bat didn’t go so well?” I wasn’t sure if I was more surprised or disappointed in his insistence that he wouldn’t marry again. Not that he’d marry me, but it seemed like there had to be someone who’d appreciate the man he was.

“I’ve had step-parents. I won’t put Maisie through that. Besides, I don’t need a woman.”

I quirked a brow. It didn’t seem possible that a big, sexy, manly man such as himself didn’t need a woman. Taking my mind out of the gutter, I realized he probably meant in terms of raising Maisie. “You’re a great dad, Dylan. Maisie is lucky to have you.”

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance