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“I don’t know. I suspect that someone they know might know someone here.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Call Stephen. He’ll let you know what to do.”

When I was off the phone, I got Maisie up and made her breakfast. At the knock at the door I’d remembered Friday night and fucking Tessa on the couch. Guilt and regret filled me, but it couldn’t overcome the fear and anger over losing Maisie.

“I’ll get it,” Maisie said jumping down from her chair.

A few minutes later, Tessa followed Maisie into the kitchen. She looked at me with hesitancy. The awkwardness that had been there Friday night hadn’t dissipated. At least for her. Not for me either, but I had to push that away and focus on Maisie.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked Tessa.

Her brows lifted in surprise. “Yes. Of course.”

“Mais, finish your breakfast and then get dressed, okay?”


I motioned for Tessa to follow me to my office. Once there, I shut the door part way to keep our voices from going up the hall.

“Veronica is going to sue for custody.”

Tessa’s breath hitched and her expression was pained. “What?”

“Maisie doesn’t know at this point. I’m going to fight—”

“Well, yeah. What can I do?”

“Keep an eye on her. I don’t think Veronica would do anything crazy, but right now I have sole custody, so if she comes when I’m not here, she’s not to take Maisie. Call the cops and me if that happens, okay.”

“Yes, of course. God, Dylan, I’m so sorry. If you need me to testify or anything I will.”

It was another reminder at how important Tessa was to me, as a friend, not a lover. “Thank you.” I didn’t want to mention the other night, and yet I couldn’t not check on her. “Are you okay?”

She flinched. “Yes.”

I studied her, wishing I hadn’t crossed the line that put this awkwardness between us, and at the same time wishing I could have her all over again. “You looked lovely the other night when you went out.”

She looked down. “Thank you.”

“I hope you had a good time. I suspect that opportunity presented itself … maybe even desire.”

She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I met a nice guy … but so far, just opportunity.”

“Daddy, can I wear one of my new dresses?” Maisie called from outside the door.

“Ask Tessa. I don’t know what fun plans she has for you.”

“I’ll go help her,” Tessa said moving to the door.

Feeling like I dodged a bullet, I finished getting ready for work. On the way, I called the lawyer referred to me.

“She seems to think now that she’s settled in New York and married, she can take custody,” I finished explaining to him.

“From what you say, a judge would have concerns about her lack of involvement,” he said, but there was a hesitancy. “With that said, there is still often a bias where moms are concerned, especially ones who are recommitted, settled, and secure.”

Fuck. “The fact that I’m the only parent that has been a constant in Maisie’s life doesn’t matter?”

“It matters. It matters a lot. I suspect at best she’ll get joint custody if she’s successful because of her history and due to you being the sole parent for so long. But like I said, many judges have a soft spot for moms and want to give them a second chance. Her being married and settled will be in her favor.”

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance