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“I’ll call home and have Tessa pack her a bag.” My gut burned at the idea of letting Maisie go. Not that I worried they hurt her, but I didn’t like being away from Maisie. I was her father, dammit. It was my job to keep her safe and happy.

“Tessa? Is she—?”

“She’s Maisie’s … nanny.” Babysitter didn’t sound as professional or rich. I scoffed at myself for getting sucked up in a money contest with Leo. I had more money than I needed, but I’d lose if I went up against Leo financially.

“Does she live in?” Veronica asked. Why the hell did she care?

“Next door. She and a few of her friends rent the property next door.”

Veronica shook her head. “I can’t believe you still live in that little house.”

“It has everything Maisie and I need.” I finished my coffee, hoping I could keep myself from sounding defensive.

“You never needed much, did you?” Veronica smiled as if she was being friendly.

“Just a family.”

She flinched.

“Let me call Tessa.” I stood and excused myself as I pulled out my phone. I walked outside the restaurant and pushed the speed dial for Tessa’s number.

“Hello?” She picked up the phone on the second ring.

“Tessa, it’s Dylan.”

“Yes, hi. Is everything okay?”

I could hear the din of voices and splashing that indicated they were at the pool.

“Yes. Maisie’s mother is in town and wants Maisie to spend the weekend with her. Can you pack her a bag and have her ready in an hour or so?”

There was a pause on the line that made me wonder what she was thinking. “Yes, of course. I didn’t realize she was coming or I’d have—”

“She just showed up. That’s what she does.”

“Oh … okay. We’re at the pool, but I’ll pack us up and head home. How many days will she be gone?”

“Just the weekend. In the city … New York,” I clarified.

“Nice things then?”

For reasons I didn't understand, I found that humorous. “Yes.” She didn’t know Veronica and yet somehow understood Maisie would need to be well-dressed and groomed so that she fit in with Veronica and her rich husband. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

I hung up the phone and took a moment to get my irritation under control. The truth was, Veronica and Leo hadn’t done anything wrong. My annoyance was all about having to share Maisie. That, and the idea that Veronica wanted to settle down. That would mean more visits with Maisie … more sharing. I knew that was good for Maisie, but I couldn’t stop the feelings of resentment and anger. Maisie was mine, dammit.

With a final deep breath, I headed back into the restaurant. Veronica and Leo were sitting, their heads close together in discussion. Leo’s eyes shone with affection, as did Veronica’s. At least they truly cared about each other, I thought. For a moment, I was jealous. Not of Leo, but of the both of them. They had what I thought I’d have when I married Veronica. She found it in someone else. I suppose someone would say I could find it with another woman too, but no. I’d had my life squashed by the hope of love all through my childhood and then by Veronica. Today I was smarter. I wouldn’t let my heart be trampled again.

“Tessa and Maisie are at the pool, but heading home. Why don’t you stop by in an hour to pick her up? She’ll be ready then.”

“What will we do for an hour?” Leo asked.

I wanted to make a snarky remark about how small communities had things to offer, but I bit my lip.

“We can take a walk on the river. It’s a beautiful day for it,” Veronica said. I wondered if she’d take him to the spot where I’d fucked her for the first time in college. I shook my head at that thought. Stop being a dick, I told myself.

“There are new benches along the path,” I said.

“Sounds lovely.” Leo rose and helped Veronica up from her chair. We said our goodbyes and I headed home to talk to Maisie before sending her off with her mother. I made a quick stop first at the phone store and picked up a small easy cell phone. She was too young for it, but I couldn’t help feeling that I wanted her to have access to me if she needed me. I’d never felt so off-kilter around a visit before, but in the past, Veronica stayed in town. Hell, many of the times she stayed with us in the guest room, except for the few times she snuck into my bed. But now she had a new husband and was taking Maisie to her new home in New York City. I didn’t like it, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

Tags: Ajme Williams Heart of Hope Romance