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No. Really, I don’t.

She doesn’t stop, even though I say nothing to encourage her. “You drank like a champ last night. Should have told you the wine is stronger here. But their hangover tonic is to die for.” She smooths out the skirt on her dress. “I really should thank you for bringing me back with you.”

I fight the urge to grab her neck and snap it between my hands. Luckily, she’s saved not only by my incredible self-restraint but by the Morrigan entering the room.

She’s dressed to perfection in a black tunic and tight pants. The top is cut deep, revealing a large swath of pale, perfect skin. She looks better today than the night before and I wonder how much of the water tonic she took this morning to maintain her appearance. She sits, and her servant begins preparing her a cup of tea.

“Ah, Macha and Nemain. You both look lovely today.” Her eyes linger over me as if she’s searching for something—a crack or possibly a change of some kind. “I hope your quarters serve you well.”

“Mine are fantastic, Your Majesty.”

She smiles at Anita. “You always loved the creature comforts, dear sister.” The Morrigan takes a sip from her cup and looks at me. “And how about you, Neman? Sleep well?”

“If you mean black-out drunk, then sure.” I flash her a smile. “It was grand.”

Her eyes narrow but the expression on her face doesn’t change. “I called you here to explain the next few days. Last night was just the kick-off of our three day celebration leading up to the bonding ceremony. As you’ve seen, I’ve loaded your room with clothing and supplies to get you through a variety of events. All are optional but I suggest you take part in as many as you can. The members of my court and the citizens of my kingdom want a chance to see the women that will help me expand my reign from one world to the next.”

“You want us on display?” I ask, trying to wrap my head around the details she’s given. “Before you kill us to make yourself stronger.”

The Morrigan tilts her head. “I’m not killing you, dear Nemain. We’re fulfilling destiny. The fates have finally aligned. Anand, Macha, and Nemain all together on the full moons. We’ll join as one and prevail over many worlds.”

I open my mouth to tell her that she’s deranged. Crazy. Out of her fucking mind, but a sharp look from Nevis keeps me quiet. For now.

“I’d like to proceed as though you are not prisoners here. I want you to have full access to the castle and surrounding grounds. I’ll have an itinerary sent to your rooms so you can enjoy the festivities.” She sets her cup on the table. Her dark eyes flick between us. “Understand you will be watched, and if you do anything to disrupt my plans, I’ll shackle you in the dungeons.”

“I, for one, cannot wait to join in the celebrations,” Anita says.

“And you?” the Morrigan asks me.

“I won’t cause any trouble,” I tell her. I do not add that my guardians will do the damage for me. “In fact, I’m really eager to learn more about your kingdom. So far I’m very impressed.”

The Morrigan thrusts her hand on the table and gestures for us to do the same. Anita places hers on top of the Morrigan’s and I place mine on top of Anita’s. The Queen lays her other hand on top, sandwiching us in. A hum of energy builds between our skin, something I’ve only felt with my guardians in the heat of passion. There’s no denying the power charging between us. The current is strong, dark, and filled with a hunger and want like I’ve never experienced. It’s like a shot of adrenaline. Endorphins. The most delicious drug I’ve ever experienced. I taste it on my tongue, feel it traveling up my arms, in my fingertips and throughout my entire body.

“Together, we can be a force beyond recognition. I hope you appreciate the opportunity I’m giving you.” She lifts her hand, and like it was never there to begin with, the energy fades and immediately I miss the feeling of power coursing through my veins.

We’re dismissed, and Nevis and I walk down the stone hallway back toward my rooms. Once we’re out of earshot of the soldiers I grab her arm and say, “Take me to Bunny’s chambers. Now.”



My stomach is tight with dread as we enter the building. It’s almost midnight and the earlier fights are already in process. The shouts and jeers from the crowd echo around the room and I glance back at my brothers—giving them one last chance to back out.

I’m met with three sets of determined eyes. Okay then. We’re doing this.

The walkways are bottlenecked, but once we enter as a group, eyes shift our direction. We’re not scheduled to fight tonight and rarely do we appear otherwise. I hear our name whispered through the crowd; the energy level rises significantly. They all suspect they’re in for a surprise.

Little do they know.

“The Shaman should be down by the ring,” Sam says. We break right, down the stairs and toward the ring where two female demons are in the throes of a death match.

The crowd parts, allowing us to pass. Our names are called and I hear my brothers speaking to people in the audience. I keep my eyes forward, focused. I’m not interested in friends. I’m interested in allies. It’s the only reason I’m here.

When the Shaman senses our presence he glances up, making eye contact.

“You survived the trip to the Otherside,” he says as we approach. His eyes flit over my brothers, searching for scars or wounds.

“With a little help, yes,” I say. In the ring, one demon punches the other an

Tags: Angel Lawson The Raven Queen's Harem Fantasy