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“Like how?” he asks.

I force a laugh and switch the subject. “It’s not a big deal. So do you think you’ll have time to come to New York this summer? You’ll have a free place to stay.”

“Maybe,” he says, but there’s not a lot of enthusiasm in his reply. “Shannon, tell me about this submission Morgan won her scholarship for. She won’t tell me anything.”

Shannon and Maggie plop down on the love seat adjacent to the one Ryan and I are on. My best friend has a glassy look in her eye and she t

akes a big gulp of her red, fizzy drink. “The ravens? Lord, she won’t even let me read it.”

“No? What’s the big secret?” he asks her.

“You know, I’m sitting right here. I can speak for myself.”

“But you won’t.” Shannon rolls her eyes, fully aware of my attitude problem. “At least when it comes to this.”

“I’m trying, but you keep interrupting.” I can’t keep the frustration out of my voice. I don’t want to tell them about it but I also hate being dismissed. They both stop then and stare at me with overdramatic patience.

“Do you really want to know?”

“Of course we do. I want to read it!” Ryan takes my hand and squeezes. “Share your success with us, Morgan. You deserve it.”

“So right, it’s this little girl who makes friends with the ravens in her yard. Five of them. She gives them names and talks to them. In return they keep an eye on her and bring her treats and trinkets. Her favorite is a charm she wears on a necklace.”

Maggie points to the scooped neckline of my shirt. “Like that one? Is that why you wear it all the time?”

I touch the cool medallion of silver hanging from a cord on my neck. I feel heat rush to the tips of my ears. “No, I mean, I just wear it for inspiration.”

“It looks cool, though. I like the silver design in the middle.”

“So, yeah, in the story, the key goes to this sort of alternate universe—”

“Where ravens talk to girls,” Ryan jokes.

“And only Maverick can open the door,” I continue, ignoring the my hot temper and the strain building in my chest. “This is a problem, though, because the ravens are guardians of the door and their job is to keep the two worlds apart. But one day, the door is opened and a battle occurs between the two worlds. At least one raven is injured and although they shut the door, the ravens disappear, leaving Maverick alone.”

“Then what?” Shannon asks, looking more interested than I would’ve thought.

“Then the girl who has no friends—no family—she has to wake up and live in the real world, which isn’t a nice place.”

Ryan nods. “So the ravens and the key and the alternate universe were her escape from the realities of her shitty life.”

I shift in my seat, uncomfortable with that accurate assessment. “Sure, yeah.”

“It’s original,” Ryan says, linking his fingers with mine. His nose is red and I suspect he’s a little drunk. “I mean, it may be a little juvenile but I’m sure NYU saw something in it worth pursuing.”

I withdraw my hand from his. “What are you saying?”

He blinks. “Um, about what?”

“About my story. You think it sounds juvenile? Are you implying that makes it lesser for some reason?”

He stills, as though he’s wishing he could turn back the clock, but that’s the problem with Ryan. He thinks he’s smarter than me. He doesn’t respect my work, which means he doesn’t respect me, either. “No, Morgan, that is not what I’m implying.”

“Then what?” I look at Shannon, who has already lost interest and is walking over to her boyfriend. I shake my head and grab my cup. I don’t need this tonight. I don’t need Ryan, really. I’m moving. It’s clear we’re not a match.

“Morgan, come on,” Ryan calls. “It came out wrong. Don’t be sensitive.”

Brooke grabs my arm as I pass by. “Where are you going?”

Tags: Angel Lawson The Raven Queen's Harem Fantasy