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“Can you do that?”

Armin holds out his fist, something I’ve seen them do before a fight. Miya, Rupert, and Agis do the same. I walk forward, swinging the sword in one hand and nod for Elizabeth to meet me. We both put in our fists as well. Darius, Luke, and the students follow.

“My father is going to lose his mind when he finds out I’m fighting for the Upperworld,” Luke mutters, his fist bumping mine.

“What about your mother?” I ask.

He frowns. “I’m not sure.”

“I am,” I tell him, looking into the eyes of my allies. “I think she’d be proud.”



“This is a good idea,” I say to Rupert as I swing a punch toward his face. We’re in a small sparring circle in the corner of the room. Grunts and the sounds of training come from various places in the room. Everyone needed a good sweat.

“Watching Victorine fuck with Hildi was my limit.”

We all have them, and Hildi has managed to break us all down. I shift my gaze to the woman across the room. She and Agis are in a heated match.

“When do you think he’ll hit his?” I ask, ducking quickly. I grin. He’d almost gotten me.

“Soon,” Rupert replies. “I’m shocked he hasn’t caved yet.”

He spins, kicking me in the back of the leg. He’s better with his feet than his hands. I lurch forward but hold my balance, coming for him with a slam of my fist to his chest. He grunts, the breath knocked out of him.

“Gods, Armin.” He coughs.

> “Sorry. You gave me the shot. But you’re right. I’m surprised, too.”

He frowns and rubs his chest. I roll my eyes. Rupert would rather strategize the fight than be in it. His eyes flick over to Agis and Hildi. “I am sensing something. I’m not sure if it’s my link with Hildi or just this place in general. There are some days she seems more settled. Like today. Her mood is steady—lifted, even. Her body at peace.” He looks at me. “She didn’t go to your rooms last night, did she?”


He shrugs and tugs at the gloves on his hands. “Another go?”

I step into the circle, knees bent for balance. I lift my hands and beckon him forward.

He springs on me, faster and more agile than I expected, but it fits. The closer we are as a unit, the better we’ll fight, the faster this whole thing can end. If Rupert senses strength from Hildi, then he’ll increase his speed and strength. Same with the rest of us.



Before we leave, Agis hands out small brass keys. To everyone but me.

“You have your ring,” he says, nodding to my finger where the purple stone glows. “For everyone else, it will give you access to the room. Don’t share them with anyone else. If you think you know someone worthy of being on our side, send them to me. I’ll vet them.”

“Why you?” I ask once the others have left. I’d gestured to the Immortals I needed a minute alone. “Why do you get to vet everyone?”

“Because I have an innate ability to assess if someone is telling the truth or not.”

“Do you?”

“Yes.” He racks a hundred-pound weight like it’s a feather. His chest is round like a barrel and his arms are slick with sweat. “It’s how I ferreted out spies and traitors in my army, but it’s even more intensified since we arrived here.”

“Interesting. How does it work.”

Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires