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With a final look at one another, we part, and I turn away from where the rest of the Academy is headed to the quietest place in the school.

The library.

“I guess you’re not interested in watching Victorine’s show either?”

Rupert doesn’t pull his eyes away from the book shelf. His fingers skim along the spines, searching for something in particular.

He tugs out the book with a long, slender finger, then finally glances at me. “I’ve seen it before. Trust me. It doesn’t get better.”

“It seems to be a consensus. The Immortals are not a fan of Victorine.” I take the book from him and idly flip through the pages. It’s mostly illustrations of ancient battles. “She sounds horrible.”

“She is.”

He turns and walks down the long row of books, his shoes echoing softly off the marble. I study the broad line of his shoulders, the tapering to his waist. I’ve never seen what’s under that uniform—something he wears despite the fact it’s no longer a rule.

He turns, heading further back. The books smell different on this row. Older. Mustier. Rupert cuts his eyes at me, but his lips curve into a smile.


“You’re very determined, aren’t you?”

“Sometimes.” All the time.

“Did you come to try to convince me of your plan again?”

“Not really. I just needed somewhere to hide out from Victorine. I figured she may have her goons do room checks, but this place is massive and has a million little nooks and hiding places.”

He stops outside a dark, wooden door. A shiver runs down my spine as his eyes peer into my soul.

“Fine. It’s a lie. I do have a plan. A map. Intricately detailed.”

He moves, faster than a cat, one hand opening the door, the other pushing me inside. I’m caught completely off guard, confused, strangely exhilarated by his show of force. The door closes with a click and he’s pushed my back against it. I inhale his warm and clean scent. His breath smells like mint.

I raise an eyebrow. “Care to tell me what’s going on?”

“What you want from me is very difficult, Hildi.”

“That’s why I made a plan.”

He shakes his head, wavy hair grazing his shoulders. “This can’t be part of a plan. That’s the whole problem. Overanalyzing females is what got me in this situation in the first place. I used my mind, not my emotions. My father manipulated me. Got my brain twisted. He taught me that sex is just another battle, a game of chess.”

Understanding dawns. “You’re right. Sex is raw. Passionate.”

At least, if you’re lucky.

With the way Rupert is standing over me, the way he’s pressed against me, I really, really want to get lucky.

“So what you want is to feel?”

“That’s all I want. Even if it’s not what I deserve.”

I tilt my head and cup his cheek with my hand. “I’m willing to do this if you are.”

He swallows hard and nods. “I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“Losing control.”

Tags: Angel Lawson Academy of Immortals Vampires