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Once the judge hears all the information, he takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes before replacing them and looking at Mr. Evans.

“Will the defendant please stand.”

Mr. Evans and his lawyer stand up.

“I can’t tell you how disappointing it is to sit here and listen to the testimonies of the witnesses in this case. Children, all of them, assaulted by an adult and parent in a violent, disturbing manner. I’d like to take a moment to express my regret to George and Charlie for having to live in such a violent, dangerous home. I’d like to thank their friends for defending them and being courageous to come here today and testify. Is there anything else you’d like to say before I deliver the sentence?”

“I do.” To my surprise, Charlie, who is sitting next to me, stands. The look on his brother’s face tells me he didn’t expect it either. “I just wanted to take a minute to talk about how well my brother and I are doing without our dad. No, not just without, despite our father. Our lives with him were filled with fear and apathy. We were told we’d never amount to anything and to toss aside our dreams. Why? Because that’s what he did and he hated his life. We were told to forgo college, avoid the people that cared for us, and prepare for a life of disappointment.” His voice becomes stronger. “He tried to break us, but because of the very people he warned us about, that he tried to keep us from, we’ve become better. We’re both going to college in our respective fields. We’re both getting scholarships.” He looks down at me and the other wayward sons. “And we’re surrounded by people that love us.”

He sits and I take his hand, feeling the tremble that’s running through his body. He looked brave up there but I can feel the emotion he’d held back. George wipes at his own eyes. It’s a powerful moment.

“Thank you for having the courage to speak,” the judge says. “Good luck to both of you in your studies.”

From there, the results are swift. The judge finds him guilty of assault and battery, along with a few other charges. I hold my breath as he announces the sentence,

“Thirty-six months,” he declares. “Take advantage of the programs they have while you’re in there.”

George exhales next to me, a deep, rattling sigh. Charlie rests his hands on his forehead. And a sense of relief passes over our whole little section. The twins aren’t finished with their father. They probably never will be entirely, but for now they have the peace that he’ll be locked up and unable to interfere with their lives for a while.

Long enough for them to build a life without him.



A week later, the principal interrupts class to make an announcement. “Excuse the interruption, but it’s with Woolly pride that the administration and staff at Sierra Academy is proud to announce that Jake Hollingsworth has been awarded a full-football scholarship to Stanford University.”

My heart swells. Swells, and it takes every single ounce of willpower not to walk out of the room and find him. At the same time, it hurts. He obviously got the news about his test scores and didn’t tell me, which means passing the test isn’t his issue. It’s been seven days. Seven. And he hasn’t come to me once. He hasn’t apologized or asked for me back. He’s barely looked at me, so whatever the hell Jake is dealing with, he’s still in the thick of it.

LeeLee and Mom are ecstatic and during our next Supernatural night, it turns into a celebration. Dexter bakes a cake iced in bright red with a big “S” in the center. It’s Jake’s favorite, caramel, and since Dex has become a master of icing, it’s better than usual. LeeLee and Tom give Jake a jersey and Mom’s eyes shine bright with pride, like she’s known him for years. My heart clenches a little when she hugs him, overwhelmed by the fact my real family has taken in my acquired family.

“What happens next?” Tom asked. LeeLee met with the coaches and college officials the other day at school, signing the paperwork as his official guardian.

“There’s a training week over spring break that me and all the other incoming freshman are required to attend.” His eyes dart to mine and then back down to his plate piled high with cake. I’m trying my best to remain normal—civil, but it’s hard, not knowing what’s really his problem.

“The three Starlees will be in San Francisco that week, too,” Mom says. I glance up, confused for a moment. Crap, I’d forgotten. Wedding dress shopping. “You boys will have to man the shop and Lodge for us.”

“No problem,” Dexter says. “Charlie can help Katie at the lodge. George can stay with me at the Wayward Sun.”

“I was planning on updating the booking system anyway,” Charlie says, through a mouthful of cake.

“Tom will be here if there’s any problems.”

As much as I’d like to beg off this trip and stay back here with the three guys, I know there’s no chance. LeeLee’s heart is just as excited as my mom about this trip and there’s no way I’m going to let her down.

“It’s almost time,” Dexter says, eyeing the kitchen clock. There’s always a hint of sadness in his eyes when the show starts. Sadness that he pushes through. He misses his sister but not enough to miss out on the traditions she established. We walk into the living room and I feel Dexter’s hand low on my back. When I glance over my shoulder, it’s not his face though that I see.

It’s Jake’s, and that boy can tell me all he wants that he needs some space, but just from that look, the set of his jaw, the intensity in his eyes; I know better.

Spring break arrives after weeks of non-stop activities. With the hard part of senior year behind us, acceptance letters have arrived in the mail, choices

are being made. Well, for most people. I did get two acceptances—Stanford and Berkeley. I hide the letters in my sock drawer, not ready to face making a decision.

Although it’s certainly not hot and there’s not the beauty of a southern spring with flowers and blooming trees all over the place, warmer weather does settle into the Sierras and the clear roads in Yosemite bring the tourists out of hibernation. Lee Vines slowly begins to awaken. The coffee shop has a steady stream of customers, keeping my mother busy. Half the lodge’s rooms are rented out and LeeLee worries about us taking time away. Katie assures her that she and Charlie can handle it.

Even I’m looking forward to a little bit of a break. The stuff with Jake is weighing on me—weighing on all of us. It’s added a complication to the time we spend together as a group. I think the boys may be just as hurt as I am—they just show it differently.

All of this pushes me into focusing on the trip and since I’ve never spent time in San Francisco, I mark several places I’d like to visit. The morning we’re set to leave, the sun shines bright and things feel fresh. That’s why seeing Jake standing by the car, with his duffle bag by his feet, rattles me so hard. I stop midway down the sidewalk and LeeLee bumps into me.

Tags: Angel Lawson The Wayward Sons Romance