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She’d deal with that tomorrow. Because logic had never been her friend anyway.

He cupped her hips. Using his thumbs, he pushed up her sweater just enough to bear her midriff. He bent down and ran his tongue along the waist band of her skirt and Mia closed her eyes and lost herself in the feel of this man. Licking her, kissing her, sampling her. Like it was his right, like he owned her. And he hadn’t even touched her anywhere intimately yet. Yet every touch was intimate.

“More, Tatum,” she moaned and didn’t realize it until the words hit her ears.

“Demanding?” he rasped and bit down on her hip bone, causing a small squeak of pleasure to pass her lips.

“Yes,” she said firmly.

He straightened and kissed her again. Fierce and hard. She fumbled with his belt, finally opening it and unbuttoning his jeans enough to push them low on his hips. His cock sprang free. She grabbed it and good lord the man was huge.

She gripped him harder and stroked once. He hissed against her mouth. She thought she hurt him for a moment, but when she eased her grip, he thrust into her hand. “Not going soft now are you, tough girl?”

She grinned and bit his lip. “I didn’t know how much you could handle.”

“Oh,” he thrust again and she squeezed tighter, “I can handle you just fine, sweetheart.”

So the Deputy did have a kinky side. She’d remember to not go easy on him again.

He fumbled with something in his back pocket then returned with a condom. She moved her hand and he sheathed himself then gripped her ass.

In one fluid motion, he lifted her up like she weighed nothing, pressed her farther against the wall, and thrust home.

Mia gasped and clawed at his back. He stilled for a moment and kissed her neck, up to her ear and back to her mouth. He withdrew then thrust again and she was about to come right there. Surrounded by his strength, his intensity, she lost herself. Gave everything she was up to him and let him lead. She may have started this endeavor but Tatum made it clear he was finishing it.

“Fuck, what are you doing to me?” he rasped against her mouth. He pounded in and out of her harder. Faster. As if something snapped and he was determined to meld himself to her.

All Mia could do was let him hold her and have her. It still wasn’t enough. She was burning for more. She wanted every inch of her skin bare and his hands on it. She also wanted him completely naked so she could feel his muscles bunch and flex beneath her fingernails.

“More,” she breathed locking her legs around his waist.

He pressed his forehead against hers and looked her in the eyes. She gasped because of all the “more” she was craving, that was beyond anything she expected.

He fucked her against the wall but the way his dark eyes fixed on hers, it was the most exposed, the most vulnerable she ever felt.

He didn’t look away, and she couldn’t either. Every move, every touch, every breath…he was seeking her out. Calling to her soul. And Mia couldn’t escape. Didn’t want to. It was then it hit her: she had never looked into the eyes of a lover, and they never looked back.

Pleasure was spiraling and she was on the brink of losing herself.

He whispered against her mouth, “I feel you, Mia,” and buried himself to the hilt and stayed there.

Her eyes shot wide because he felt her come before she did. That one moment did her in. Every muscle shot tight and her body trembled as she came apart in his arms.

He clung to her even tighter. Watched her face as pleasure swept over her and she watched his.

“Mia,” he said her name and followed her over the abyss.

She’d never fallen so far, so hard, before. And she had a feeling that once she landed, it was going to sting.


Chapter Four

“Slow down,” Luke said, running next to Tate.

Tate glanced at his jogging partner and eased his pace a little. Ever since he saw Mia flirting it up with any guy that came her way a few nights ago, he had a hard time sleeping and woke up irritated and needing an outlet.

Not to mention the sex that followed outside against the wall of the bar.

Tags: Joya Ryan Sweet Hill Romance