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Yet here he was thinking about the black-haired beauty from last night. How she’d felt. The taste of her mouth. The way she’d touched him, soft and intimately, like she was learning him through her fingertips.

Fuck, she was like a drug, and he was ready for his next hit. Appreciating a hot woman and even hotter sex with her was one thing. But replaying the memory like a damn teenager who rarely got laid was throwing him off. He didn’t ask her for more, she didn’t ask him for more. Which was good because Huck made a point to never ask people for more than they could give. It only led to disappointment.

His thoughts just then should be relaxed and happy. Yeah, until he remembered the pivotal moment of last night. Usually, he made sure that he took care of a woman well past the point of satisfaction, so there’d be no hard feelings when he left her.

But last night he’d let his guard down and fallen asleep.

And she had left him.

Huck shook his head. Fuck this. He needed more to drink. Needed something to distract him.

“Since we’re cool,” Colt said, “I need you to show Jenna’s friend around while she’s in Diamond housesitting for us.”

“No way,” Huck said. “Sebastian was supposed to play host to the out of towner.” Who, from what he heard, was some mechanic who was going through a rough time.

“I’ve got my hands full with Penny,” Bass said, back to grinning like a goon. But damn he looked happy.

“Come on,” Colt said. “Auto isn’t going to know anyone, and she’s not very social. Just show her around, take her out—”

“No. Way,” he said again. “I’m not going to babysit some mechanic named Auto.” Christ, wasn’t that the name of a pop-belly fifty-plus year old balding type of greaser? He could only imagine what the female version looked like.

It had nothing to do with that, though. He was annoyed and pissed off, and he was in no condition to play host to anyone. A lady was a lady, and he’d never be rude or unwelcoming, but he just wasn’t up for plastering on a smile and playing charmer today. Or for the rest of the week.

“I’m sure the girls will keep her company,” Huck said, then raised his glass in a toast to change the subject. “Here’s to the happy couple and a lifetime of sex with the same woman.” Huck clinked his whiskey with his friends’ glasses.

“I’ll drink to that every day of the week,” Colt said. “My soon to be wife is the only one I need, and she’s smokin’.”

Huck hid a roll of his eyes while he drained his glass in one swallow.

“Careful,” Colt said. “If you get anything on the tux, Jenna will have my ass.”

“Are you kidding me right now? Don’t make me take your man card, too.”

Colt assessed Huck. “And for god sakes, button up your shirt and tie your tie already, would you?” he continued, as if not hearing Huck’s threat.

Huck glanced down. It was only the first two buttons that were undone, and his tie hung around his neck.

“I still have time.”

“Yeah, just be glad he has his pants on,” Bass mumbled.

“For now,” Huck said with a wry laugh. When he caught sight of an A-plus ass from across the lobby, his mood perked up slightly.

After last night, he’d been ready to forget about women for a long, long time. But a look at whoever owned that ass and suddenly he was ready for another random encounter.

God, I’m impossible.

“Looks like he has one in sight,” Bass said, seeing what Huck was currently staring down. And it was just his luck that she turned and headed their way. As she got closer, Huck realized two things: One, she was beyond hot, even with curlers in her hair. And two—

“No. Fucking. Way.”

The woman halted dead in her tracks just before she reached him. “You,” she snapped.

“You,” he said.

He couldn’t believe it. She stood there in tight jeans that made his cock hard, as well as an even tighter tank top that gave him a view of olive skin and high, perfect breasts. Breasts he knew first hand to be sensitive. Her face might be all done up in makeup, but those scowling gray eyes were zeroed in on him.

“Us!” Colt said, breaking the tension. “Huck, I didn’t know you’d met Auto.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic