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Jenna followed her stare and saw what she was eyeing.

“Colt is looking good today.” She sighed, twirling a lock of processed blond around her finger.

Jenna felt the urge to punch Yvonne in her fat mouth.

Colt was walking next to Sebastian and Huck. The three oozed so much testosterone and sex appeal it was melting the panties off more than a few of Diamond’s females. But Jenna was focused on just one man.


And he was headed her way.

Jenna noticed Penny’s eyes lock on Sebastian.

“I’ve got to get back to my booth. See you later, Jenna,” Penny said before scooting away.

Since the bonfire, her friend seemed a bit frazzled. Cooking for Sebastian for a week couldn’t be that bad. Sure, the attorney could be intense, but today, with his white button-up rolled at the sleeves, dark jeans, and mirrored aviators, he looked more edible than intimidating.

Jenna’s tastes were for a Kansas cowboy with worn jeans, thick belt, and baseball cap. Lord, Colt was delicious. Simple and sexy.

When the men reached her table, Jenna tensed and Yvonne sighed. The purse barked.

“Ladies.” Colt tapped the bill of his hat.

Jenna instantly wanted to plaster herself around Colt and kiss the daylights out of him. And she didn’t care who saw. But if Yvonne didn’t stop openly drooling over him, Jenna was going to tell her exactly which plateau she could jump off of. And her little dog too.

“I was wondering when you were going to come say hi,” Yvonne said and threw her arms around Colt. Crap, not again. He had no idea how to react, but when she pulled him into a hug, subtly rubbing her breasts against his chest, he could read her intentions right away. A sound like a yelping rat came from her bag. “I had a good time the other night.”

Colt instantly frowned and he didn’t miss that JJ’s eyes went wide.

“The other night?” he said quietly, partly because he didn’t want JJ getting the wrong idea and also because he had no idea what the hell Yvonne was talking about.

“At the bar,” Yvonne said and reality hit Colt. He vaguely remembered Yvonne walking into Penny’s BBQ somewhere between shots number seven and eight. She may have even flirted, but he didn’t touch her. A fact he wanted to make clear to JJ but didn’t know how without blowing the “secret relationship” thing they had going.

“Fun. The other night,” JJ repeated as if trying to get a grasp on what was said or an explanation.

“It’s not—”

“Yes, we did,” Yvonne interrupted Colt.

“I see.” The look on JJ’s face shot a fresh dose of pain to his chest and it had nothing to do with his nearly healed ribs. Being the classy woman she was, JJ simply gave her best smile, but Colt could tell she was chewing nails.

He so badly wanted to blurt out, “Nothing happened!” but that would be putting attention on the whole situation, including JJ. He needed to think of something, though, because he couldn’t have her looking at him like that. Like he broke a little piece of her or crushed the trust he was trying to build.

“Yeah, the other night was fun,” Colt said, then hurried with, “Yvonne saw me at the BBQ. I had a few drinks then passed out alone in my truck. Sure reminds me of the old days.” God, he hoped JJ heard the sincerity in his voice and caught on to what he was trying to explain without openly saying. The slight upturn in her lush lips made Colt think she got his message.

“How are you, Colt?” she asked him in a softer tone. Something in her eyes was tender and the way she looked at him, with a slight concern, made him realize what she was really asking him. She knew about the anniversary of his parents’ death, but wasn’t coming out and saying so.

“I’m good,” he said. Appreciating her concern but not wanting to talk about it. Not here. Not now, maybe not ever. But JJ’s gray eyes didn’t leave his face.

“I thought of you,” she said warmly and clear as day. Those words rolling off her sweet lips made Colt’s body instantly stand to attention. She thought of him. And she admitted it. Out loud and in public. Something Yvonne took note of because she wasn’t moving away from Colt, instead sliding closer.

“I thought of you too…last night,” Yvonne whispered loudly and way too close to his ear for comfort. She swayed and rested her hand on his chest.

Over her shoulder, Colt saw JJ instantly stand up, causing her chair to tumble over. She slapped her hands on the table. Yvonne jumped at the sound and turned to face JJ. And not just Yvonne—all nearby eyes zeroed in on JJ. A tremor of lust, and a little fear, shot down Colt’s spine.

Miss JJ looks pissed.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic