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“I am.” Her body hummed and Colt felt that familiar tug around his cock. But this time he didn’t stop. He fucked her though her orgasm, and his own.

Wave after wave of intense pleasure hit him so hard his vision blurred. But when he realized JJ was still coming, just from the feeling of his release, Colt would have given anything for that moment to last an eternity.

Chapter Seven

Jenna awoke to the smell of…bacon? She shoved the hair out of her face and sat up in bed. Glancing at the clock, she took a moment to get her bearings. It was three o’clock in the morning, and she may be alone in bed, but she wasn’t alone in her house.

Getting up, she wrapped a robe around her and padded to the kitchen. Colt stood in his bare feet, blue jeans, and nothing else. His hair was slightly rumpled from where Jenna had been pulling on it, but what caught her eye was the large bruise that took up the majority of his right side.

“Oh my God,” she gasped, realizing that she hadn’t actually laid eyes on his chest or back since he was hurt. Last night, or rather, a couple of hours ago, she had been in a few different positions, and none of them faced Colt.

Colt turned around quickly, obviously startled by her presence. She didn’t miss the small wince when he moved.

“I’m sorry if this—” He waved the fork he held over the bacon but Jenna cut him off.

“You can eat whatever you want. I meant ‘oh my God’ your ribs.”

“Oh.” Colt glanced down at his chest. “It looks worse than it is.”

“I’m so sorry if I did something last night that hurt you.” She started shaking her head, recalling how rough she’d been. “I was clawing at you and grabbing and—”

“Whoa, hold up there. I’m fine, sugar.” Colt smiled and the bacon was momentarily forgotten as he took a few steps toward Jenna, not stopping until his mouth was against hers. “You didn’t hurt me. Don’t ever be sorry when it comes to loving on me.” With that, he stole her breath in one powerful kiss that left Jenna weak in the knees and her own chest aching a little.

“I made eggs too if you want to sit,” he said, stepping back to man the stove.

“Well make yourself at home.” She smiled.

“I always do.” He winked and got out two plates, and Jenna sat at the table, liking the situation she found herself in. A sexy, bare-chested man in her kitchen cooking up food in the middle of the night. Her house, her whole life, somehow felt instantly fuller. She hadn’t realized how quiet and lonely it was in her small place until just then.

“Is there anything I can do to help with your injury? Should you be taking some medicine or something?”

Colt shrugged and set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her, then took a seat across the table with his own dish.

“I wasn’t kidding when I said ice and breathing before. The doc said that exercising the lungs was a good way to help my ribs, and sugar, you did a fine job of that already.”

Jenna blushed, remembering how just a few hours ago she was screaming Colt’s name and doing a bit of gasping herself.

Colt took a bite of his food and Jenna looked at him for a moment. Like this, he seemed so normal. Like a man. Not a legend a lot of the town thought him to be. Not to say he wasn’t worthy of such a title, but Jenna knew firsthand that perception and reputation, good or bad, wasn’t always accurate in describing the real you.

Colt McCade was a man. Flesh and blood. One who got bruised and beaten just like any other. Jenna wondered if people actually understood Colt. If she understood him. Maybe not, but she kind of wanted to. Despite the better part of her brain telling her to wrap this up and send him on his way, she took a bite of her eggs and asked, “Were you afraid?”

He looked up at her. When he saw she was gesturing to the bruise on his chest, he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“That’s the best part. Being scared. Being in control and out of it at the same time. Holding on for dear life and hoping to God you have the strength to outlast what’s bucking you off.”

Something in Jenna’s heart skipped. She’d never heard Colt say anything like that, and yet the few words spoke volumes. “Sounds like a rough life. Always holding on to something trying to throw you off. Getting banged up in the process.”

Colt focused on his food. “At least I’m never still.”

“Is that so bad?”

He ran a hand over his jaw but didn’t meet Jenna’s stare. “I don’t particularly care for it.”


“Because a lot of shit can happen when you least expect it. If you’re constantly moving…” He trailed off, obviously not thrilled with this conversation, but Jenna had to know. It was the first time she’d really seen a part of Colt he kept hidden. And her heart ached for him.

“If you’re constantly moving, nothing can catch you,” she finished for him, and judging by the look he zeroed in on her, she’d guessed right.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic