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A look of defeat washed over her. “Months,” she breathed with an edge of horror.

What the hell was going on? She stood there like she was in shock. It was as though he’d just delivered her a death sentence. He leaned in, trailing his fingers along her waist. She smelled like sun and coconut sunscreen. Though she seemed conflicted, she didn’t retreat.

When he splayed his hands over her hips, the slinky wet material of her suit rubbed against his palms. Colt’s pants instantly got a hell of a lot tighter. He couldn’t help himself. He snagged her plump bottom lip between his. A sharp moan left her mouth and Colt felt it tickle all the way down his throat. She clutched the front of his T-shirt. He didn’t know if she was about to push him away or yank him closer. She didn’t seem to know either.

“I’ve been thinking of you, Jenna.” He kissed the side of her jaw. “Thinking of that night.” He trailed his lips to her chin. “Thinking of you, in my bed…”

He nipped her collarbone, and the grip on his shirt tightened. She tugged him closer.

He skated a finger across the top of her suit, then gently pulled it down, wedging it beneath her delectable breasts. He bent and sucked her hard nipple into his mouth. She gasped and clawed at his torso. Silently begging.

“There’s the girl I’ve been missing.”

He gave another lick before moving to the next one. Circling his tongue all around her breast before sucking the tight pink point again. When her hands drifted higher, he stalled a little at the pain in his ribs. And damn it all to hell JJ noticed, and stalled too.

“Wait,” she moaned, almost sounding in pain herself.

He looked up. JJ started shaking her head. “I can’t—we can’t.” She stepped away from him and righted her suit. “You’re injured and this is a bad idea.”

Her breathing was as ragged as his, and his cock was about to burst through his jeans.

“A few bruised ribs are nothing we can’t work around.” He glanced around the closet. There was some open space, room to move. “I can lie down and you can hop on and—”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Yeah, he figured not. Colt was staring down a special kind of torture. He’d kill to have this woman again. And she was right there, within reach, yet she wasn’t game.

After a long moment and obvious concentration to calm her breathing, JJ lifted her chin and cleared her throat.

“Colt. While last weekend was nice, it was a onetime event and you assured me of your discretion. So”—she clasped her hands in front of her as if she were talking to a child—“I hope you enjoy your visit home, but I really must be getting back to the students.”

Nice? Nice! Seriously, what was happening? He could think of several words to describe last weekend, and nice wasn’t among them.

More like, in-fucking-credible.

Usually he had to beat women off with a stick. He was the one who had to explain what “not interested in long-term” meant.

Something wasn’t right. Maybe she was just hungry. “How about dinner tonight?”

“I’m sorry, I have plans.”


She nodded, opened the door, and walked past him and out into the sun.

“Breakfast then, tomorrow, my place.” She didn’t slow her pace or even pretend to be amused. This woman was a tough one, but Colt had to admit she was sexy when she was pissed off.

She shook her head, refastening the towel at her hips as she walked away.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re avoiding me?” he called after her.

She spun and looked at him. “Because I am.”

Resting his forearms on each side of the doorframe, Colt leaned out of the storage space. “So no raft sex then?”

He watched JJ continue around the building and back to the pool. Though she didn’t look back, Colt saw her shoulders tense. And when she shook her hands out, as if trying to get rid of the lust he had just sent through her, he knew she wanted him too. For whatever reason, she was fighting it.

Tags: Joya Ryan Chasing Love Erotic