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“Make me.”

She felt him smile against her mouth and slowly shake his head. “Oh, baby, I intend to.”

With that, he yanked her body into his as he thrust even deeper than she’d thought possible. Her ass almost came off the counter, but East was right there to catch her. He held her steady between his strong grip and massive cock, and he worked in and out of her like his sole mission on earth was to make her body feel alive.

And God did he do that well.

He held her tight, pumped in and out, and hit an amazingly sensitive spot inside she never knew existed. The way he ground his hips, stirred deep after a forceful thrust, hit every nerve she had, she had no choice but to throw her head back and moan wh

ile he turned her body into a blissful puddle.

“Oh no you don’t,” he rasped, the grip on the back of her neck tightening and forcing her face up to look at him. “You watch me.” He punctuated his demand with a succession of perfect pumps into her. “You watch me fuck this tight”—thrust—“hot”—thrust—“pussy. And you remember what you asked for.”

Her blood started to snap in her veins like a freshly struck match. Not quite igniting…so close…


“You wanted me to make you come?” he rasped, and when his hand slid to the back of her head and tunneled into her hair, he tugged hard and caused her chin to lift toward the ceiling and her eyes to hit his. “I expect to see it. Unless you were bluffing? Maybe you want something softer…sweeter…”


She snarled at him at that word, “sweeter.” He was like a sexy wolf. The glow of the hall light hit his chiseled frame and shone off his bright eyes and perfect face.

Always challenging me.

She slid her hands to his bulging biceps and sank her nails in as she kicked her hips out, all the way off the counter to meet his wild fucking.


The match lit. Her body caught fire, and the flame surged along every muscle and bone and atom she had. She shattered into a thousand pieces as East fucked her through an even more intense orgasm than the last.

“Ah, God, yes!” he yelled to the ceiling. He didn’t go softer. Didn’t go sweeter like he’d threatened. He fucked her harder, until she was certain the entire shop was shaking.

“Natalie…” he said. The way he rasped her name into her ear made her cling tighter. His whole body tensed and shuddered with his own release. She locked her legs around him and pulled him as deep and as close as she could.

She held him there as the bliss of what had just happened faded. Her eyes were too heavy to open and face what they’d just done.

Chapter Two

It took Natalie a solid fifteen seconds to realize the loud knocking she was hearing in her ears was also coming from the door.

Some large, hard pillow surrounded her. She peeked with one eye and took in her surroundings. She was on some kind of blanket, on the floor in the back room of her shop. And the large pillow was actually East sleeping with his tree trunk arms wrapped around her.

Oh crap!

This was bad. So bad. Having sex with him had been wrong but so right. And maybe they could forget that had happened. But him staying here with her? Holding her while they slept? What the hell had they been thinking?

Knock, knock!

Perfect. And now someone was out front. How was she going to explain East and her being here together overnight?

Wait. This didn’t even need an explanation. East cared about her. Everyone would assume she’d needed help with some big order or something. Simple as that.

She slowly got up, adjusted her mangled dress, and peered around the corner from the back prepping station toward the entrance. There, right above the Closed sign, was her mother’s snooping nose as she tried to look into the shop window.

“Natalie!” Knock, knock, knock. “Natalie Elizabeth St. Clair, I know you’re in there,” her mother called.

Great, her mom had hunted her down. Not that it was a hard feat to accomplish, since she’d been doing it Natalie’s whole life. She was the only daughter of the renowned southern belle Lemon-Anne St. Clair, and her mother made it a special priority to ensure Natalie was on the debutante path of all things a lady should be.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance