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She shrugged. “Maybe.”

Oh, she was good. She came in here with clear intentions, then threatened to walk out on him, only so he could chase her.

“You’re going to pay for that sneaky trick, baby.”

“I hope so.” She smiled.

With that, he crushed her with a punishing kiss and pressed her further into the door.

“So you were ready to be fucked wherever I chased you to, huh?” he said. He tugged off her sweater then returned to her mouth.

“Yes,” she said with no shame. And he loved it. She pulled on his shorts, and his cock sprang free, the throbbing head hitting the inside of her thigh.

“So sure I’d come after you?” he asked. He tugged down the thin red silk of her bra until it bunched under the soft, pale mounds of her breasts. He bent to taste the creamy cleavage and then sucked gently on a pink peak.

“No,” she whispered.

He stopped, but she held him close.

“No, I wasn’t sure you’d come after me,” she said with a breathy tremble in her voice. East looked at her. There was something very vulnerable in those wide eyes of hers. He just shook his head. He didn’t know what to say or how to tell her that of-fucking-course he’d always come after her.

Instead, he kissed her hard, showing her, making her feel how much he wanted her. How she made him this crazed. How she made him chase.

How she made him do the one thing he’d never done before: want more.

She wrapped her arms around him, and he worked the condom onto his erection as he kissed her mouth, her neck, her jaw.

“Please,” she whispered in his ear. “I need it…I need you.”

That was all he needed to hear. He hoisted her up, and she locked her legs around him. He reached between them and pushed her panties aside. He rested the tip of his hard cock against her opening.

“I’ll give you what you need, baby,” he promised.

Another time he’d fuck her against the wall, but right then, he wanted to play out one of the fantasies that wouldn’t leave his mind: her in his bed.

He’d had her there once, and he wanted her there again.

“Please… Now, Easton,” she begged as he carried her down the hallway. He couldn’t deny her. He stepped into his room and shifted his hips just enough to breach her. “Oh yes.”

He loved hearing her happy. He was only half way in when he laid her down on the bed.

She cupped his face as he followed her down, never leaving her body. She kissed his lips, his cheeks, his neck. Her eyes were squeezed tight, and he just let her kiss him while he watched

her. He felt her relax against his mattress. Like she was comfortable. With him. In his home. In his bed.

As her soft hands stroked his hair, she whispered his name between kisses, and that was the moment—

He drove the rest of the way inside her.

One hard, consuming shove of his hips. He felt her gasp, and so he breathed for both of them. Just like at the damn class, only better.

Her legs were still locked around him, and their clothes were distorted, but he couldn’t stop to pull away and get completely naked. He just couldn’t leave her body.

So he stayed.

Something he wasn’t known for.

Stayed right with her. Kept his mouth on hers. His body in hers. His heart against hers.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance