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“Cinnamon,” the blonde said. Natalie just smiled at East like she’d caught him. Yeah, his date’s name was Cinnamon, that’s right. And she worked at the liquor store and stripped two towns over on the weekends. So what? Didn’t mean Natalie was right, or that this was “his type” or “notch” or whatever the hell she meant.

“You two have a great night.” Natalie smiled brightly.

East led his date back to the bar, and when he glanced behind him, Natalie wasn’t even looking his way. Whatever the hell was going through his head, it fucking sucked. Because the girl who had always been in the friend zone was now a woman he couldn’t keep his eyes, or his hands, off of.

Now he had to watch her on a date while he entertained Cinnamon…

And he was pretty certain that Natalie had just put him in a different zone altogether.

Chapter Five

“The bachelor party is this weekend, and you’re dropping this on me now?” East said as he paced.

“Look, I’m sorry, but Bridget wanted to—hey, watch the furniture, okay? Mom really likes that sofa.” Matt motioned to said sofa. “Can you just sit down and talk about this without wandering around like a crazy person?”

East sat, reluctantly. Being back in the St. Clair estate where he’d grown up with Matt and Natalie was supremely uncomfortable. Everywhere he looked, all he could see was Natalie.

“Look, I’ve been planning this bachelor party for you and it’s—” East paused. It’s been the only damn thing to take my mind off how fucking hot your sister looks naked. “I’ve just worked really hard on it, man. You can’t just up and change everything at the last minute. And anyway it’s gonna be epic. Pack a bag because it’s also going to take all weekend.”

“Sorry, no can do,” Matt said. “It’s not that big of deal. Instead of a bachelor party, it’s a joint bachelor-bachelorette party. And it’s right here at Honey’s, and it’ll be great.”

Oh, great. Honey’s. The last thing he needed was a reminder of the last time he’d been there. Oh hell no. He needed to get the hell out of Dodge, and get away from the thought of Natalie.

“You do realize what a bachelor party is, right?” East said, seriously feeling light-headed. “The one thing we’ve talked about since we were teenagers was this kind of party! And now you’re—” He dry heaved in his mouth. “You’re combining the parties?” Yep, he was definitely going to hurl. “I can’t…I can’t even look at you right now,” he said. “Joint? Like…with your future wife in attendance? What happened to you?”

“A lot,” Matt said with confidence. “A lot has happened to me, and all the good stuff is because of Bridget. I don’t need a night to celebrate not being tied down because I want to be. It’s not about the party and crazy benders.”

“It was fun once,” East said.

“Yeah, but it’s not my kind of fun anymore. I’d rather spend my time with Bridget than away from her. I’ve grown up. I want different things now.”

And there it was. That nagging thing in the back of East’s mind. Everyone was moving. Trying for more. He was seeking out the same shit, and he’d been fine with it until…

Until Natalie.

“Look, the party will still be great,” Matt slapped East’s back. “Nothing over the top, just work with Natalie to make the parties cohesive. It’ll be fun.”

Great. Now East had to try to get that stupid pulse in his head to stop him from thinking too much. Li

ke about the fact that Matt had said, “Work with Natalie.” Which was the last thing he wanted to do.

Or was it?

East ran a hand through his hair. This was going to suck. But it might also be a good thing. Planning a party with Natalie would mean he could keep an eye on her and make sure she avoided any more creeps or douchebags. And they’d have to be in close proximity for a couple of days. For the sake of the party, of course. Which was a terrible idea. One he was torn on fighting for and against at the same time.

Jesus, he really needed to stop thinking.

“So no strippers then?” East asked, to change the subject.

“No,” Matt said. “I didn’t even want those in the first place. And speaking of strippers, I heard you were out with one the other night.”

Small town gossip, gotta love it.

It had been a few nights ago, and instead of sealing the deal with Cinnamon, he’d dropped her off and spent the rest of the last seventy-two hours thinking of Natalie and how much she drove him nuts.

“Nothing to report,” he said. Which was a lie and a half. Because there was not only a ton to report, it all included Matt’s baby sister. Part of him felt like a piece of shit about that, and part of him knew he couldn’t walk away from Natalie. The minute he was in her presence he had the need to taste her. For Christ’s sake, he’d jacked off four times in two days with her panties in his fist and still couldn’t get the woman out of his head.

The wrong woman.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance