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“What’s your problem?”

He finally found the rest of his clothes. He dusted off his hands, picked up his shirt, and yanked it over his impressive chest and abs. What she’d give to see those abs for one more second…

“No problem,” he said, then grabbed his Stetson and tapped the brim after properly placing it on his head. “Just time to get on with my day.”

“Wow, with morning-after lines like that, it’s hard to see why you’re still single.”

“First of all, I don’t do morning-after lines. The lines come the night before.” He took a step toward her and faced her straight on. His belt was still unfastened, and the slight jingling of the clasp when he walked made her wet. God, she was pathetic.

“Second.” He held up two fingers for reference, as if she were a moron. “I’m happy being single. Getting tied to one woman seems…”

“Awkward?” she finished for him.

He looked her up and down, and nothing about the heat in his eyes matched his words. It was like he was looking at her in the way he had last night. In a way no one else had ever looked at her—like she was sexy.

Too bad. Because no matter what kind of heat was in East’s eyes, that passion couldn’t survive outside what had happened last night.

He shook his head. “Not awkward. Stifling.”

“Well, God forbid the great E

aston Ambrose hang up his bachelor badge and settle down.”

“It’d be a crying shame,” he said with a wink, and came right up to her and kissed her cheek, hard. Not like a lover. Not like they’d gone crazy on each other’s bodies last night. Nope. Like she was a kid again. Like the baby sister of his best buddy. “Hearts would break all over North Carolina,” he teased as he made his way toward the door. He hadn’t even mentioned her brother, but it was an issue. It had to be. It was all part of the big damn elephant in the room that he seemed intent on not even acknowledging.

East was playing it casual, cool, like she was nothing more than a friend. Not another lover, not another woman, not even a one-night stand. Just a buddy. And that boiled her blood more than anything.

“Indeed,” she called after him. “What with your big reputation of satisfying the ladies, it would sure be a shame if word spreads that you’re really not up to par…”

He glanced at her, and she gave him a pinky wave just to prove her point. Yeah, she was making a joke about his manhood, and she was maybe even being bratty, and she didn’t quite know why, but she pushed his buttons anyway. And this button was one he took seriously.

He turned that perfect, casually strutting, ass back around and stared her down.

“You threatening me, little girl?” he whispered, lips just above hers.

“Whatever do you mean? Women talk, you know.”

“Not you,” he said quickly. “Because if your brother finds out that we—”

“Oh! So last night did happen after all?” She smiled with victory. At least she’d gotten him to acknowledge her, which she’d count as a win.

“Of course it happened. Look, last night was…well, it was unexpected. But I figure we’re good now. Not going to happen again, and no reason for anyone to know.”

“Why? Because you’re ashamed?” That last question came out softer than she’d meant it to.

He frowned hard. “No. Yes. Damn it, I mean you’re Matt’s sister. Your parents are basically my only family, and I’m not fucking with that.”

“But you fucked me.”

“Yeah, and I shouldn’t have. So can we just go back to being family? Or friends? Or whatever the fuck we are?”

“Sure,” she said, hating to agree but knowing as well as he did that he was right.

He grinned. “Hey, you have some dates to schedule before you end up kissing cousins with ol’ Harry-boy.”

God, don’t remind me.

“Fine, this is our secret.” And that was fine with her. She didn’t need any more drama from her mother or brother. She knew how much East valued her family, because they were his family. She’d never want to take that from him.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance