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“Little fiery tonight.” He hiked her skirt up and held her firmly against the floor with her legs spread. “If one of those friends of yours looked up here, what do you think they’d see?”

With one hand still grabbing her wrists, the other palmed her ass hard. She gasped and smiled. Gage liked her mouth and spirit in more ways than one. It was time to test him. Challenge him.

“They’d probably see you taking your sweet-ass time fondling me instead of fucking me hard like you should—”

Slap—his hand came across her bare ass, and she moaned. This was what she wanted. The intense, rough man she got to scratch and claw at while he spanked back.

Gage chuckled. “You really want to push me tonight?”

“I’m starting to wonder if you’ve lost your touch, city boy.”

He growled. She smiled at the clink of his belt loosening and the crackle of a ripping condom wrapper.

“Why don’t you tell me if I’ve lost my touch?” He rubbed the head of his cock against her wet folds, teasing her, tempting her—and then he thrust deep inside.

She gasped and rocked forward. Her body flush against the ground and spread wide, he withdrew and then slammed back inside her.

“I don’t hear you saying anything now, sweetheart. Lost your nerve? Or are you trying to be quiet so no one hears you moan for me and sees you getting fucked hard”—he pulled out and thrust again—“the way you like it.”

“I do. So much,” she whispered. She was completely immobile. Gage still had her wrists trapped with one hand, and he wrapped his free hand around her middle and lay completely on top of her. She was at his mercy and surrounded by his strength. And she loved it.

“I know.” He pumped again, deeper, and she stifled a scream. He hit her perfectly, every damn time. “You’re wet and I didn’t even get my hands or tongue on this tight pussy.” He pistoned in and out, snaked his arm around her further, and locked his leg around hers.

She tilted her head back and leaned into him so she could run her teeth along his jaw. When he slammed into her again, she bit down.

“Fuck, baby,” he moaned. His breath washed over her lips. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought of you?” He thrust harder. “Thought of being right here?” Faster.

If it was half the amount of times she’d thought of him, it was daily. Which was why she’d lured him out here instead of drawing the night out. She wanted him to take her like this, and she’d take advantage of every second she had with him for the twenty-four to forty-eight hours she was given.

“Tell me, Chloe, what have you thought of?” He wrapped her tighter in his arms, and she relaxed. Let him have her. She didn’t have to do anything but lie there and take it. The fight would come and go. For now, she reveled in him taking her over.

She panted. “I’ve thought of you. Doing exactly this to me.”

“Like this?” He surged inside again. Each ridge and curve of his cock stretched and slid so perfectly that every last nerve ending sparked like a flickering lightbulb.

“Yes,” she moaned. Her sheath was tightening, so close to ecstasy. Her eyes fluttered open to see the bar patrons carrying on their conversations downstairs. They had no idea she was ready to come around the man who stole her thoughts every time he came into town.

“Do you touch yourself and think of me?”

“Yes…but it’s never good enough. Deep enough…hard enough.”

Gage groaned, like she’d said the exact right thing. He picked up the pace even more. She couldn’t breathe around the pleasure.

“So you don’t drench your own fingers like this?” He buried himself deep and stirred. “Because you’re weeping for me, sweetheart.”

“Only with you.” He shifted his hips, hitting deeper than ever before—she gasped. “Gage…yes…right there.”

A flash of white stole her vision, and red heat burst through her veins like a gunshot. It sparked and burned as it rushed from her core to her scalp, pricking and sizzling everything in between.

His hand covered her mouth as she screamed with her release. Her eyes widened—if his firm palm hadn’t stifled her cries, she would have brought the roof down.

She panted and moaned against his hand, squeezing her eyes shut as her orgasm went on and on. Snapping her skin like angry, lusty fingers. Sharp, and loud, and heady. Gage was right there, ready to come with her.

He hardened another degree inside her, and the sensation kicked her already unrelenting passion into overdrive. She pressed her mouth further against his palm, trying to contain her yell. Gage bit down on the curve of her shoulder to mask his own shout. Pride soared through her as he hummed against her skin from his own powerful release.

He breathed hard against her and finally eased his grip, rolling to his side and wrapping his arms around her.

“Chloe, you tempt me like no other.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance