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She smiled. “Nope.” She leaned in, and her mouth brushed his earlobe. “But you’d like that. You want a woman a little dirty, naughty, and able to take it rough.”

“What makes you think I’m rough?” he rasped.

She glanced at his free hand, then his chest. “Because judging by the way you’re holding your breath and grinding your teeth, you’re barely holding back from tossing me on this bar and taking me right here.” She shook her head slightly, letting the silky blond strands fall down her back. “I think you’d like a little fight in your woman.”

Every muscle he had flexed. Ready to prove her right. “Clearly you’d have some fight in you.”

She nodded. “I just don’t know if you can handle it, city boy.”

“Oh, I can bend you to my will.”

“Prove it.”

That shot his semihard cock to full attention. Her nearness was enough to make his whole body tense, ready to take her now. She was daring him to be rough with her, and she was right—he liked it hard. A little begging. A little pain. And a hell of a lot of pleasure.

The kind of power she wielded over him should drive him crazy, but it didn’t. She was different than any woman he’d ever been with. She excited him easily and made herself a challenge. And damn, did he like every second of it.

She took another drink, and condensation from her glass dripped onto her cleavage. He licked his lips—God, how he wanted to catch that droplet with his tongue. But before he came up with another witty line, she finished her vodka, turned, and walked away without a word.

No fucking way was he letting her go.

Hot on her heels, he bounded after her. He followed her into the shadows, went around the back of the bar, and strode quickly until he finally found her edging into a shadowy corner.

“You’re walking away from me, huh?” he said.

She opened a side door, arched an eyebrow at him over her shoulder, and climbed the stairs. He followed her up, and his heart pounded as they neared the closed-down balcony over the bar. Twenty-five feet below them, everyone enjoyed themselves, none the wiser that he was with a sexy woman in the dark above.

She moved to one of the booths hiding in the shadows, and he grabbed her arm and spun her to face him. A lusty hue lit up her eyes.

“You’re chasing me?” she whispered.

He moved her against the wall, kicked her feet apart with his, and pressed his body against hers. The loud crowd from downstairs echoed around them, but he held her tight in the shadows. This was it. He was going to take her right there. And she was going to let him.

More, she was going to like it. He could see it in the way she licked her lips. She was as hungry for him as he was for her.

He scraped his jean-clad knee along the insides of her spread thighs. Even with the barrier of their clothes, her heat surrounded him.

“I’ve been chasing you for a while.” He pushed her skirt up, grabbed the back of her thighs, and lifted her. She wrapped those long legs around him, and damn it felt good. Gage glanced down. She wasn’t wearing panties. He smiled and whispered against her lips, “And it looks like you missed me too, Chloe.”

“I have,” she breathed. “But I like making you work for it.”

Yeah, he liked working for it, too. These little games they played never got old. Whenever he was back in town, they pretended it was their first time. Though the stretch before they gave in to each other had dwindled down to minutes.

He couldn’t wait any longer. He had her in his arms, and it was time he properly reacquainted himself with her body.

Chloe clutched Gage. Ever since their first encounter two years ago, her life had been one wild, sex-crazed weekend at a time.

The perfect thing about Gage was he was as allergic to commitment as she was. Their sporadic rendezvous a few times a year was the kind of setup she could handle. She could commit to her life, the town she loved, and the people in it. But a man? She’d seen what her mother went through with her father. She’d loved him until the day she died, even after he’d left both of them years ago.

Chloe had tried dating men once she’d gone out on her own, and they’d all shown her the same thing. None of them had any staying power—at least not for her.

No, never commit to a man. She’d never become so attached to someone that she’d pine for them long after they were gone. Which was why Gage was so perfect.

He was a one weekend at a time kind of guy, and they had clear expectations. Sure, he was the only man she’d been with since she met him two years ago, but it didn’t mean anything. He was just so good at what he did to her that she didn’t need anyone else until he came back around again. She would never wait for him.

He was back in town, and now it was time for a fix. Simple.

Gage was strong, confident, and sexy as sin. He took her over and made her feel more than passion, more than heat, more than anything she could explain. He let her be strong while making her beg. Never in all the blissful weekends they’d spent together did he take it easy on her. She loved his dark and rough side, and he delivered every time.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance