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He sat, his long legs bent, and his elbows resting on his knees. “You want to talk about it?”

I looked at him. Blue eyes boring into mine, big muscles encased in a white T-shirt and jeans. He was so casual. His presence actually calmed me, and part of me did want to talk about it. But the other part of me thought better of it.

“Things didn’t work out with Jack and me,” was all I said.

He nodded. “Jack can be a tough guy to crack. But I know he cares about you. A lot.”

I laughed. “Yeah, which is why he left, didn’t tell me for how long—could be an eternity—and set our whole interaction between us up from the beginning.”

“Well, if you don’t count those few small things…”

I laughed again, only this time it came from a place of humor. Cal was making me do one thing I hadn’t done in days: Laugh.

“Are things always so easy with you?”

He shrugged. “Everybody has baggage. Jack’s is heavy. I’m not claiming to be any better. I just chose to outrun mine. When that fails, I run faster, when that fails, I run even faster, and usually toward a fire.”

“Sounds like you either have a lot of baggage or are an adrenaline junky.”

“I like the workout. Also, I’m not convinced about this whole gravity craze. One of these days, when I jump down from a tree, I’ll just start floating. I’m sure of it.”

I laughed again. He was so good at taking my mind from…well…everything.

“Not sold on gravity, huh?”

“Nah. In my experience, it’s way more fun when your feet are off the ground.”

“Well, good luck disproving gravity.” I smiled.

He nudged my shoulder with his. “If it means anything, I know Jack better than I know myself. There’s always more going on with him than he lets on. But, he’s a good guy. Just deals with things poorly sometimes.”

“You don’t have to defend him,” I whispered. Because I messed up a little too. My intentions were clean. I never wanted to hurt Jack, or have him think for a second I was using him. I just wanted Brock gone. Wanted to handle things in my world, so that I knew when he invited me into his it was for the right reasons.

Not that it mattered anymore. It was set up to be this way from the beginning. The only kink in his plan had been Cal. Who, ironically, was now sitting next to me.

I looked at the impressive firefighter. “Are you okay? No burns or lung damage or anything?”

He smiled and stretched a little. “Nah, that wildfire had nothing on me and my boys.”

“Course not.”

“Harper was saying you start school next week?”


“Okay, so I’ll see you around then? Hang out sometime?”

I frowned. “Um, maybe. I don’t think I’m going to be up for much of doing anything.”

“Well, then I’ll help you through a pity party. I’ll bring the booze and karaoke machine. Can you cover mixers and snacks?”

I smiled, then frowned, because he looked serious. “Are you out of your mind?”

“A little,” he winked. “But you look like you could use some fun. You have a week before school. I’m not trying to swoop in and get into your panties, I’m just asking if you’ll spend some of that time you have with me.”

I looked at him for a moment. Between the dimples, blue eyes, and casual demeanor, part of me really wanted to escape the pity party I was throwing myself.

Tags: Joya Ryan Reign Erotic