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“A lot of people here are scared that the past is going to repeat itself. Timothy Tillers, the guy who set the fire, was a male Omega. You’re a male Omega. They’re worried about their Alpha, and a male Omega is easy to blame. It’s not about you personally and it isn’t based on logic. Does that make sense?”

“Maybe. Whatever they think, I won’t hurt Morgan.” Ricky’s voice lowered as he added, “I mean, I won’t hurt him again.” His hand curled around Morgan’s shoulder, and Morgan relaxed into the perfection of his body connecting with his mate. “Or at least, I won’t hurt him on purpose,” Ricky mumbled.

“Do you believe in fate?”

“Of course.” Ricky combed his fingers through Morgan’s hair, making his soul sing. “Fate. Destiny. Traditions. All of that.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Do you know Morgan and my mate Lillian were a couple when they were younger?”

“No.” Ricky’s massage didn’t falter. “Does that bother you?”

“It did at first. When I met Lil and realized that, I wanted her to move to my birth pack instead of me coming here and being ruled by her ex. But then I met Morgan.”

Ray paused, and after a few moments, Ricky said, “Yeah? What was that like?”

“Intimidating as hell.” Ray laughed. “But also, incredible. Morgan is a great Alpha, but more than that, he is a genuinely good man.” Ray’s breathing sounded lower and slower, like he was struggling to hold in his emotions. “If I’d known him my whole life, like Lil and most of the pack have; if I’d been there when he lost his family, well, I’d have to stop believing in fate or start believing in monsters, because nothing else explains what he’s had to endure.”

“It isn’t fair.”

“No, it really isn’t. Not fair to Iredell, not fair to the Golden Valley pack, and definitely not fair to Morgan. He deserves to be happy and part of that means believing he isn’t destined for tragedy. Now that fate brought you to him, I think he’ll see that. I have a mate and I’d do anything for Lillian. You’re Morgan’s fated mate, so I know you’ll do whatever it takes to help him.”

“I will,” said Ricky emphatically. “That’s why I came when Alpha Iredell told me he was injured.” If his mate was in the room, Morgan could open his eyes and get closer to his touch. But if this was a dream, opening his eyes would end his time with Ricky. Unwilling to risk that loss, Morgan made himself relax. “You said he’s healed, so why isn’t he moving?”

“My best guess? He doesn’t want to move.” Footsteps sounded and Ray’s voice moved farther away. “You’re his mate, Ricky. That’s the reason I let you into his room and it’s the reason I’m going to keep Lillian and everyone else away for as long as possible.” The door opened. “It’s your turn to do your part.”

“What’s my part?”

“There isn’t a shifter in Golden Valley who wouldn’t lay down their life for Alpha Peters. I’ve heard stories about his father’s steadfastness and about his brother’s charm, but let me tell you, while everyone is devasted by how he got his position, they’re unwavering in their belief that Morgan is the right person, the only person, the person destined to lead them. My loyalty to him is absolute. This entire pack’s loyalty to him is absolute. No matter how standoffish they were when you got here, the Golden Valley pack will accept you if that’s what their Alpha wants. Get Morgan to open his eyes, get out of bed, and tell them you’re what he wants. That's your part, Ricky.” The door clicked shut.

“So nothing too hard then,” Ricky mumbled.

The conversation wasn’t typical for Morgan’s dreams, which focused on the warmth of being surrounded by family, or his nightmares, which were stark reminders of his lonely reality. That difference along with the depth of the scent now surrounding him and the richness of his mate’s voice, made it difficult for him to avoid the likelihood that he was no longer asleep. Difficult but not impossible. If he kept his muscles loose and relaxed, his breathing slow and even, and his eyes closed, he would be able to slip back into the peacefulness of his dream world.

Relinquishing the safety of his mind and examining his surroundings risked a return to the pain he had tried to end through his battle with Iredell. But Morgan was willing endure any pain, any hardship, any challenge, if it was desired by the one person destined for him, the person fate had chosen as his family. He would do anything for his mate, so he opened his eyes.

His risk was rewarded when the sight that greeted him was his mate’s beautiful face. “You’re really here,” he said or, more accurately, croaked. His mouth was dry and his throat rusty from lack of use.

Tags: Cardeno C. Pack Fantasy