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I decided to test the theory by moving up his body until my dick was in his face. “Move your arm.”



I forgave the fates and my mother for fucking me over every birthday and Christmas for the past twenty-something years. This. This right here made up for all of it.

Gentry Kane’s dick hung long and thick, hard and silky, directly over my face.

I reached for it and pulled it straight into my mouth, immediately tasting his salty precum and groaning as I wrapped my tongue around his thick shaft. Holy fuck. He was gloriously big, and his balls hung down enough to brush against my beard when I swallowed his dick as much as I could.

Gent braced himself above me on the bed, but I could see his arm shaking where his bad hand was holding his weight.

I pulled him out of my mouth with a curse. “Fuck. Turn over, baby. Don’t use that hand.”

After flipping him onto his back, I moved down to continue sucking him off. He was just as hot and gorgeous as he’d been in my fantasies. His dark hair trailed down from his chest to his dick in a sexy-as-hell trail I remembered from the first day I’d ever seen him play. I moved up to run my cheek against it as I continued stroking his wet dick with my hand. Gent’s fingers tightened in my hair.

“Need you,” he breathed. “Need this.”

I moved up and joined our two cocks together in my grip, enjoying the warm, slick press as I jacked us both. Gent’s whimpers went straight to my dick.

“That’s it,” I encouraged. “Give it to me. Come for me. Want to feel you spill all over my hand and my dick, use it to get myself off.”

“Oh god,” he groaned, arching back and clenching for a moment before crying out his release. Sure enough, that was all it took for me. Making Gent come like this, with nothing but my grip and my words… it was intoxicating. I leaned down and bit gently into his trapezius as I felt myself come all over his abdomen.

The sound of heavy breathing and the smell of spunk filled the room. Sweat-soaked skin slid against me as I gently lowered myself halfway onto him until my head rested on his shoulder and our legs were intertwined.

“Holy fuck,” he whispered.


After a few minutes, Gent’s fingers moved into my hair and began toying with it. “I knew it would be like that. Explosive. When I saw you that night…”

I lifted my head up and met his eyes. “I thought I was making it up in my mind.”

He shook his head and caressed my face with his palm. “No. From the minute I saw you… My heart started thundering. My face got so hot I thought for sure everyone could see me blushing.”

I nestled my face back down on his chest before admitting my own embarrassing part of the night. “I got hard when you sang ‘Belong to Me.’”

Gent’s hand continued to brush gently through my hair, and his deep voice vibrated through my own chest. “Part of me wishes you could belong to me.”

It would be a dream come true.

I didn’t hold any unrealistic views of what this was, so I forced myself not to get caught up in the dream. “I’m very high-maintenance. You wouldn’t want me long term. Besides, I just had a nasty reminder of how shitty actual relationships are.”

His chuckle was deep and lazy. “Stupid fucker. That guy’s missing out.”

“His loss is your gain?” I teased.

Gent’s dick pressed into me harder at my words. “Hell yes it is. I want you. And I want you to stay with me tonight so I stop panicking about you leaving before I’ve had my fill of you. Please.”

My heart leaped into my throat. “I’ll stay the night, but I have work in the morning.”

Gent ran his hands through my hair. “Fuck work.”

I laughed. “Says the man with millions of dollars who is—even now—working instead of actually vacationing.”

He pulled my face down to kiss me long and hard again. “Not working now,” he murmured against my lips.

We writhed along each other’s bodies, frantically trying to touch everywhere, grab everything, kiss every possible square inch of each other’s skin. At some point, Gent reached for a bottle of lube and brought slick fingers back to rub against my hole.

He murmured words of wanting, words of pleasure and encouragement, into my ear as he began to do magical things with his fingers. Sweat began to bead up on my skin, and I couldn’t help but thrust my hips back and forth in hopes of getting more of him.

“Shhh,” he said with a soft chuckle. “Be patient. I like this part.”

His fingertip stroked over the perfect spot, and I sucked in a breath and moaned. “You’re driving me crazy. Fuck me already.”

Tags: Lucy Lennox Aster Valley M-M Romance