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With that done, he spent the time it took going about seeing to every minute detail of fixing what he’d broken with Duncan and Imogen.

As well as fixing a few other things.

One vitally important thing in particular.

And then, ever the achiever, ever the man dedicated to accomplishing his desired result, leaving no stone unturned, no bet unwon, no success unattained, to make absolutely certain nothing got in the way…

Corey set in motion his plan to right the wrong.

And naturally, this culminated in his finger pulling the trigger on a brand-new gun.

Chapter 17

The Interview


* * *

The next morning, I was mostly awake, just snoozing, when I heard the mug hit the nightstand.

So I opened my eyes and was thus able to see Duncan aiming his ass to the bed in the crook of my body.

I lifted my gaze to him.

“Hey,” I whispered.

Something moved over his face, it was big, beautiful, profound.

Being in his bed, with him bringing me coffee and sitting right there, there was no doubt, I felt that something too.

“Hey,” he replied.

I got up on an elbow.

“Animals are fed. Kids are fed,” he stated. “They’re already out on the horses. You do your slow morning. I’m going to get a shower in and hit some work. When you’re sorted and the kids are back, we’ll decide what’s up for our day.”


He bent and kissed my forehead.

Then he got up, murmuring, “Coffee on the nightstand.”

I looked to the coffee, then watched Duncan stroll through his magnificent room to his even more magnificent bathroom.

I then aimed my eyes out the window to his resplendent view.

I was there, and not in the hotel, because of the kids.

This happened last night. After dinner. After Sasha asked if they had any games. After Gage and Sully took off to the den and came back with at least ten board games.

We’d started with Code Names. Moved on to Splendor. And then got serious with Ticket to Ride.

This through beer, wine, and after Sasha told them I was the Cookie Monster, the boys “throwing together” some sugar cookie dough that they dumped mini M&Ms in, which we all took turns getting out of the oven, or putting more in, and obviously eating them.


The best.

In fact, the whole night was the best, with Duncan, his boys and my girl (and cookies).

What could only make it better was if we’d had Chloe, Matt and Hale.

But when it started getting late, Duncan announced, “Takin’ your mom and Cookie back to the hotel, Sash. You can bunk there with her but want you to know you’re free to use Chloe’s room here.”

This got a trio of, “Chloe’s room?”

Sullivan’s and Gage’s were surprised. Sasha’s was pouty.

“Sasha’s room now, if she chooses to take it,” Duncan corrected.

“I’m staying in my room. And Mom,” she aimed at me, “you shouldn’t be carting Cookie around like that. She’s going to get stressed.”

“She’s fine,” I said.

“She’s going to get stressed,” she repeated.

“Does she look stressed?” I asked.

Curled up in Gage’s lap, purring, she did not look at all stressed.

“Well then, breaking the code you seem not to be able to decipher, we’re all adults so don’t be goofs. We won’t get complexes because you two are sleeping together,” she returned.

“Totally,” Gage stated.

“Yeah, it’s actually kind of weird you’re taking Genny back to the hotel. Especially since her daughters stay here,” Sully put in.

Duncan looked to me.

I was completely on board with staying in his beautiful room.

With him.

Tom and I had had a very active and fulfilling sex life, until I descended into my head. It wasn’t like I hadn’t carried on the intimacy with my partner with my children under the same roof.

Of course, the first time I connected like that with Duncan after our long absence from each other, I would prefer our children not to be in the house, even if they were all on the far side, which in this house, was far.

But we could sleep beside each other and wait on that (for the moment).

Most importantly, I didn’t want to leave him.

I didn’t want to leave my daughter.

I didn’t want him to have to leave his sons.

And I actually did worry that Cookie would get stressed.

So I shrugged.

Duncan grinned.

That was his choice too.

We retired before the kids did and we did not reconnect in that way.

I’d brought a bag with a nightgown, a change of clothes and my toiletries.

So we both got ready for bed, taking turns in the bathroom.

And then we climbed under the covers, Duncan gathered me in his arms, and we whispered to each other with zero humility about how great our kids were.

Until we fell asleep.

Or at least I did.

And I’d slept great.

In bed in Duncan’s arms, something peaceful and right and beautiful that I never thought I’d have again?

Oh yes, I’d slept like a baby.

Now was now.

Tags: Kristen Ashley River Rain Erotic