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“You know…” she hesitated and then, “I shouldn’t say it.”

He turned fully to her.

And he got down to it.

For him.

And for her.

Because whatever was going to happen was imminently going to happen.

And this had to be said.

“Whatever goes down with your mom, Chloe, you and me, we have what we have, and I want you to know, it means something to me. If things don’t work out with Genny, I get I’ll likely lose you. And you’re an extraordinary young woman. So that will pain me. But I’ll understand, and we’ll have had our time. And I already know it’s an honor that you gave it to me. But while we’re having it, I don’t want you to feel you can’t say something to me.”

She stared up at him, expression open and sweet, and yeah.

Someone was in for a helluva ride with Chloe Pierce.

But when that ride was over, life would be really fucking good.

“You remind me of my dad,” she blurted.

It had not been lost on him, in coming home last night from Genny the way Genny had been at the bar, getting his laptop, and doing what he’d not once allowed himself to do: a deep dive into her life—that there were definite physical, and it would seem if he could believe what he read, other similarities between him and Tom Pierce.

Duncan was unusual because he didn’t have a type. He enjoyed women. Height. Weight. Race. None of that mattered. He was attracted to a variety of things.

Which was evidenced by the fact Gen was tall, slender and blonde, Dora was just under average height, curvy and brunette and Betsy was tall, voluptuous and mixed race.

But they were all funny. They were all loyal. And they were all motivated.

But it was clear Genny had a type.

Something that didn’t bother him, and not only because Chloe had openly, and not unwittingly, but perhaps not understanding how crucial it was, shared that Gen and her ex would never get back together.

Tom Pierce, as far as he could tell, was halfway to sainthood.

The public didn’t know something, though.

And neither did Duncan.

Considering the fact that family still seemed very tight, he just hoped, if Genny gave that to him, he didn’t lose his shit when he found out.

Onward from that, he’d discovered that neither of them had dated since the divorce.

It was just over a year old, but even so, they were both vital people, it was high time to move on.

Until Chloe had shared what she’d shared that morning, Duncan had found this concerning. Because it might be they couldn’t move on because they were still hung up on each other.

Now, he just saw it as something else made clear at the bar.

Genny was out of practice with this shit.

Which was why, last night, sitting next to a man she wanted, she was cute, nervous and a babbling mess.

He’d seen her that way twice before.

When she was coming to terms with their mutual attraction in their teens.

And at Corey’s wedding, before he’d taken her home, they’d torn each other’s clothes off and had sex on the carpet five feet from her front door.

“I find that a compliment,” he told Genny’s daughter.

“It was meant as one,” she replied. “And newsflash, Bowie, I love my mom loads. But I’m not the type of gal, and she isn’t either, that would let anything stand in the way of something that means something. And it means something, you and me being amies. So my mission today is to find some boots so we can go riding tomorrow. And I’m leaving them up here because I have no use for riding boots in Phoenix. And because we’re going to go riding again.”

“Your wish is my command,” he replied.

“As it should be,” she stated.

Christ, he liked this kid.

He grinned at her.

She shot him a sassy smile then turned to the drive and cried, “Ma mère chérie!” and flung herself down the steps.

His body automatically jolted.


He was still worried about her in those heels.

“My dastardly, nefarious daughter!” Genny, who was out of her car and rounding the hood, cried back.

But her face said she didn’t mean it.

And Duncan started chuckling.

“You know you love me,” Chloe stated, throwing her arms around her mom.

“She makes it hard. I best the mother of the year competition every year with all her varied tests, but I do it,” Genny called up to Duncan, and he noted she was holding her daughter close.

Duncan watched, but he did it aware there were things he refused to see.



He’d unpack that later.

Maybe with Genny.

More likely with Harvey.

They broke apart only for Chloe to seize Genny’s hand and start dragging.

“Come!” she shouted. “You must have le grand tour.”

“Lead the way, my darling,” Genny said unnecessarily, since her daughter was pulling her up the steps.

Duncan watched and noted their outfits weren’t much different.

Tags: Kristen Ashley River Rain Erotic