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“Can I take it that means you’re not ticked at your girl?” he queried.

I shook my head, tsking, before I said, “Duncan, Duncan, Duncan. Although I’m sure in your fresh experiences with Chloe, this all feels rather unseemly. But I can assure you, this is downright tame. Now Chloe running the long con that lasted three years that meant her father and I allowed her to stay in France, not to mention paid for this extended stay. And yes, there was a boy. And yes, he was an artist. And yes, there are paintings of my naked, then nineteen-year-old daughter somewhere in France. And yes, this was not the only thing she got up to when she was over there, because she dumped that boy, and found other things to turn her mind to that made us pine for that boy. And yes, there was a period of time when I thought I might have to secretly sedate her father by slipping drugs into his beverages. So no, I’m not angry at my daughter for doing what my daughter does and being who she is. As long as you aren’t angry at her for dragging you into it.”

“I’m sitting here with you, your eyes are shining like they used to, so fuck no, Genny. I’m not angry at her. And just to say, she looks a little like you, but she’s not one thing like you. But you should be warned, she’s got me wrapped around her finger to the point she took my Tesla to the grocery store today and she has my Amazon password.”

Oh God.

He liked my girl.

A lot.

“Duncan,” I whispered.

His fingers were back around my neck and his face was again close, like at lunch.

And it was solemn in a way that both frightened and excited me.

“I want to explain to you what was fucking me up so much it made me believe Corey and let you go. And I want to get to know who you are now, Genny. Because I miss you like fuck. I have for twenty-eight goddamn years. And I wanna see if we can find something together again. I know it won’t be what we had before. I also know, down to my bones, that if it’s with you, it’ll be amazing.”

“I’m reeling that I read Corey wrong for so long and in doing so he made me lose so much,” I admitted.

“Well, not that I wanna be in that club, but since we’re the only two members, I’m probably the only one who can help you with that.”

“There’s also Sam,” I pointed out.

“You wanna reach out to her?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure it’ll make her feel any better, finding out Corey married her while in love with me and divorced her because he was in love with me, but he never cheated on her with me. She’s avoided me like the plague over the years, and when she couldn’t, she wasn’t very nice. But even if Corey wasn’t close with his son, I was. He was a lost little boy and Corey practically ignored him during their visits. Corey eventually moved to LA, not long after I did, and now I understand why. So I found the schedule and made sure I was around for Hale. We formed a bond. We’re still very close. And honestly, Tom’s more a father to him than Corey ever was. But bottom line of that, Hale is also a member of our shitty little club.”

“I do not find this surprising. Corey was seriously fucked up.”

“Yes,” I agreed.

“Come out and meet my animals tomorrow.”


It was shaky.

“At least come say hello to your daughter.”

That made me crack a smile.

My smile fled when he pulled my face closer toward his and I thought he was going to kiss me.

And in that second, I wanted him to kiss me.

I wanted that very badly.

But he didn’t.

I felt the swab of his thick beard across my cheek and his lips were at my ear.

“Please, Genny. It’s quiet and there are no distractions and no cameras and you can have whatever reaction you want, including leaving. If that’s what you decide, I’ll let you go, and I won’t bother you again. I’ll hate it, but if that’s what you need, I’ll stand by it and that’s a promise.”

“They have delicious croissants here and amazing coffee and I like slow mornings. Can I come around ten?”

His forehead landed with a bang on my shoulder.

I shut my eyes tight and fought my chest heaving.

He wanted this chance.

He wanted it so very badly.

I allowed myself to press my jaw into his hair for just a moment before I took it away.

He lifted his head and looked into my eyes.

“You need me to pick you up?”

I shook my head. “Mary brought my car up today.”

He nodded.

Tags: Kristen Ashley River Rain Erotic