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And last, what had happened yesterday, from her showing like she’d showed, what had come of that, to her daughter’s surprise visit and even bigger surprise message.

And that was Harvey’s response.

Which didn’t touch the half of it.

“And now the woman’s daughter wants you to make a play for her mom?” Harvey continued.

Duncan dropped his hand, lifted his head, sat back in his chair and looked at his friend.

He’d met Harvey twenty years ago when Duncan had moved to Prescott. They were friends first, and Duncan recruited him later.

Now Harv was COO of River Rain.

Big guy. Burly. Lots of hair everywhere. So much it covered his arms and ran up to the base of his neck, thick and now graying.

Also a good guy. Loved his wife. Doted on his girls. Doted on Duncan’s boys. And even after the divorce, which had gotten messy before he and Dora (and he was not being a dick in saying especially Dora) got their shit together, Harvey doted on Dora.

Duncan definitely got Harv and his wife Beth in the divorce.

But functions where there was necessary mingling weren’t uncomfortable anymore.

And that had a lot to do with Harvey.

“She doesn’t want it, man. She ordered me to do it.”

Harvey’s face contorted with trying to beat back his smile.

“I’m not sure I’m feelin’ a lot of humor in this situation,” Duncan pointed out.

Harvey got serious. “I can imagine, Bowie. I still can’t believe Corey Szabo did that shit to you guys. I can’t even believe you were that tight with Corey Szabo. I mean, you mentioned you grew up with him and used to be friends, but Jesus. However, suffice it to say, I’m pretty stuck on the fact your ex-girlfriend is Imogen Swan. Something, I’ll note, you never mentioned.”

Duncan wrapped his fingers around his coffee and took a sip before saying, “It wasn’t something I wanted to talk about.”

“I get that. And I’d heard her and Szabo were tight since childhood, so I shoulda put it together but, Jesus again.”



Harvey kept talking.

“You know, I mean, Beth’s list includes Antonio Banderas, Javier Bardem, Benicio Del Toro, and she’s got two more I’ve blocked out, but I think you can get from that she’s got a type, and it is not me.”

Duncan couldn’t stop his lips from twitching.

“But full disclosure,” Harv went on, “I got a type too. My list includes Cate Blanchette, Anna Torv, Robin Wright, but I do not need to go on because I’ll point out something you already know, they all look like Beth.”

Duncan wasn’t feeling amused anymore.

And he told his friend why.

“And Genny,” he grunted.

“She’s the top of my list, bud,” Harvey confirmed.

His list.

Duncan knew what he was talking about.

The list of fake freebies you could fuck even if you were committed to another person.

“Christ, Harv, why would you tell me that?”

“Because you should know, straight up, since you’re gonna go for it, that that’s the case before Beth blabs it. Which she will. But I’m the best friend who isn’t a horse’s ass. Who’d never go there. And no offense to you and my deep abiding love for you, but my love is deeper and more abiding for my wife, so that’s a non-starter.”

“This isn’t funny, Harvey.”

Harv ignored him. “And just to say, I’m still reeling that you call Imogen Swan ‘Genny.’ Though, more importantly, when I meet her, if I act like a fool, just ignore me. I’ll eventually get over it. And I figure that’ll happen around the time we’re fully gray and our RVs are parked beside each other somewhere and Beth and Genny are fryin’ up some tots while you and me grill the burgers.”

“You’re not going to meet her because I’m not going to make a play for Genny,” he declared.

Harvey’s thick eyebrows shot up. “You’re not?”

“Hell no.”

“Why not?”

“Harv, I told you, she was pretty firm about not wanting to go there.”

“She also showed at your house all dressed up, wearing heels. And trust me, you got two sons, but to my everlasting dismay and wonderment as to what I did that God wished to punish me so severely, I got three daughters. And I can tell you, when a girl is done with a guy, she’s done. She doesn’t care anymore. Case in point, Mandy was at Costco with me the other day, and she was what they call ‘day three’ in her shampoo regimen, and don’t ask, they’ve explained it, I still don’t get it. I just know it’s important. No makeup. Hoodie. And Robbie strolls up to her, and two months ago, this kid had her in vapors. He talked to her and she spoke words back, but I still don’t know if she knew he was there. When they were done, he looked crushed. She just turned to me and asked if we could get a shrimp tray.”

Tags: Kristen Ashley River Rain Erotic