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And when they were done, decided to split, he was so relieved. He thought it’d be over.

But instead, he was supposed to be the honorable son, understanding his mom was sick and getting over it.

He did.

He understood she was sick.

And he hated that for her.

But it was hard as fuck to get over it.

Because everyone thought she was all right.

But all Sully saw was her playing more games.

So if it was his choice, he’d hang with Dad and Genny and maybe call her and say “Hey” and “Merry Christmas,” sending his gift over with Gage.

But it was never his choice.

His phone binged and he looked at it.


He’d had a late class and just made her house.

“Gage is at your place,” he informed her.

“Wonderful,” she murmured.

“I’m sorry, are you Imogen Swan?”

It felt like his entire body puffed out when he turned and got between her and the short woman who was talking to her.

“Sully, it’s fine,” Genny murmured, putting her hand on his forearm and coming around him. “He’s protective,” she explained to the lady who was staring up at Sully curiously, probably thinking he was a bodyguard or something.

“I’m her stepson and no offense to you, but I’m home for Christmas and I’d like my stepmom to be able to just be my stepmom,” he bit out.

He could feel Genny’s eyes on him, but he didn’t take his from the woman.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry to disturb you.”

“Really, it’s fine,” Genny said.

“I wasn’t going to ask for a selfie or anything. I’m just a big fan and I wanted to tell you how much I love your movies and Rita’s Way.”

“And thank you for that. Truly, it’s fine,” Genny replied. “It’s just, I hope you understand, my loved ones are protective.”

Her loved ones.

“Yes, I understand. And I’m glad you have that,” the woman said to Genny. Then to Sully, “You look like your dad. Just as handsome.”

“Thanks,” he forced out. Then he forced out more, “Sorry I was rude.”

“I get it. You probably have to deal with this kind of thing all the time. I’m sure it gets old.” She gave him a small smile, another one to Genny and wandered away.

He looked to Genny. “Sorry, that wasn’t cool. She’s a fan and I overreacted.”

“Totally worth it for you to call me your stepmom,” she teased.

He felt some of the tension go out of him, and he replied, “You’re probably going to get a ring for Christmas. So it’s not official, but it will be.”

She seemed intrigued. “Has your dad shared?”

“No, but he’s a really good gift giver so I wouldn’t be surprised because I figure that’s a real good gift.”

She wound her arm through his and leaned into him, saying, “Yes, that would be a real good gift.”

And yeah.

Didn’t that just cut it?

There he was, standing at a baggage claim with Imogen Swan leaning on him, and there was no baggage.

And he wasn’t talking about the luggage kind.

He’d come back a couple of weeks after he met her for fall break, and she and the girls were there, and it was a blast. Just like the first time, except, thankfully, without some outside force fucking with it.

Then there was Thanksgiving, and it was awesome. Genny was a good cook, but Chloe rocked that shit.

And in between, he’d Facetime his dad, and sometimes she’d butt in to say hi, but she didn’t take what little time he had blabbing at him and trying to make him like her.

She just said hi and asked how he was.

And made his dad happy.

Christ, he’d never seen his dad so laidback and at peace as he was with Genny.

And Dad was pretty laidback.

All that shit that started them off, and a couple months down the road, and there was this.

No fights or screaming and his dad all wound up, trying to pretend he was cool and handling things.

Just happy.

Just Genny.

They got his bag and she walked him to her car.

At it, she offered, “You want to drive?”

Drive a Porsche?


She handed him the fob.

He put his bag in her trunk and they got in.

“I’ve never been to the condo,” he reminded her as he was backing out.

“You know Phoenix?”

“For the most part.”

“Head to the Biltmore and I’ll guide you from there.”


It took her a while. But he figured it wasn’t about lulling him into a false sense of security.

It was about giving him time.

However, before they were at her place and it was about Christmas and holidays and family, she did it.

Because she was Genny.

“I’m so sorry, Sully.”

“Breakups happen,” he grunted.

“I know, but they hurt.”

She would know.

“Yeah,” he agreed.

“Your dad told me you really liked her.”

“Aubrey was the shit.”

“Again, honey, I’m so sorry.”

Okay, she was Genny and she was cool.

She was also a woman.

So he went for it.

“Why do they do that?”

“Do what?”

“Break up before Christmas? I mean, what the fuck, Genny? Is it because she didn’t want to waste a gift on me? Couldn’t she just wait two weeks and not spoil the holiday for me?”

Tags: Kristen Ashley River Rain Erotic