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Logically, I knew that in fifteen years we would need to worry about getting Murphy another heart, but I had no doubt in my mind that he would get it.

Murphy was meant for great things.

In the years that followed his illness, Murphy had gone out of his way to help the area homeless population find food, shelter, healthcare, and anything else he could help them with if they only needed it.

He was a pillar of the community, and I loved him more and more every day for how he was helping our community.

“Why are you so sweaty before your workout?” she asked.

I grinned. “I started redoing the bedroom before we left. Which then meant that I was pushing stuff around and got all hot before I even left the house. Not to mention it’s hot as balls in here with all these people. They need to open a door or something.”

Fran rolled her eyes. “When you’re done with that, will you help me with the new baby’s room?”

I snorted. “All you have to do is ask, sister.”

She smiled, then went and helped Murphy get the clip on the bar to keep the weights in place.

He muttered a distracted ‘thanks’ before setting up for his next lift.

We both watched him as Fran asked her next question.

“How did his heart checkup go?” Fran asked as Murphy was able to complete his left. “That was today, right?”

“Yep,” I confirmed as I heard the familiar war cry of Vlad. I turned my eyes to take in his lift, and grinned. Vlad had fallen into not mine, but Murphy’s shadow. “It went okay. Everything is looking good. Exactly as it should.”

Anything Murphy did, Vlad wanted to do.

Just like it’d always been.

Over the years, Vlad had turned into a mama’s boy. You wouldn’t be able to tell that at one point, Vlad wouldn’t even take a bottle from my hands.

The weirdo.

“That’s great news,” she said. “That’s…

“Son of a bitch!”

We all looked to see Taos straining to get the weight off the floor.

Madden was right next to him, laughing his ass off seeing as he’d just successfully lifted the weight. In the end, Taos couldn’t lift it.

“I’m sure I’ll have to hear all about that tonight,” Fran sighed. “I better get back over there before he gets all butt hurt about the fact that I wasn’t watching him.”

She disappeared from sight, but before I could resituate myself on the floor after her departure, my baby Lou came to fill the spot.

“Can we go to the deli for dinner?” she asked sweetly.

I grinned down at her, looking into her father’s eyes. “I guess if you can convince your daddy to go.”

She grumbled something under her breath. “He’ll say no because we put a crockpot meal on.”

My lips twitched. “Just use those big, beautiful eyes on him and he’ll cave like the sucker he is.”

Lou left after that, bored with the lifting.

But I never got bored.

Not when it came to my man.

Watching him was like knowing that I could live my life breathing easy.

He was here. He was healthy.

He was mine to have and to hold.

The weight dropping hard on the ground had me looking up to see him grinning wickedly at me. “PR.”

PR meaning personal record.

I smiled big. “I knew you could do it.”

He walked over to me, leaning over me to press a kiss to my mouth. “You’re so beautiful.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sweaty and a mess.”

“You’re my sweaty mess.”

“I’m your sweaty mess that’s just been watching your sexy ass workout shirtless for the last hour. Can you schedule me in some time later?” I teased, batting my eyes at him.

He grinned, then dropped a kiss directly to my mouth.

That’s when Vlad said, “Y’all are so gross!” from across the room.

There were several loud laughs emitted after that.

But Murphy didn’t let me up for air until he was ready. “Love you.”

I curled my hands into his pants before pulling him even closer. “Or we could just go visit the family restroom.”

“Y’all are so gross!” Andrew muttered as he passed.

“How do you think you were conceived, boy?” Haggard asked as he ruffled Andrew’s mop of blond hair. “Now get to your bar and finish that lift.”

Haggard winked at us as he passed. “Might want to tuck that need back in.”

I scoffed. “Never.”

I would never not show Murphy the affection that I wanted.

Because there was one point in time I thought I’d never get to again.

And everyone knew that.

I was very open about it.

“When we get home.” He pulled away and offered me his hand. “Now, the sooner you get to lifting, the sooner we get to leave.”

He ended that with a wink that set my lower body on fire. “Damn, you’re hot.”

He smiled. “I know.”

• • •

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Madd CrossFit Romance