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“You’re driving me insane,” she whispered. “I want this particular movement to keep going, because it feels so good, but I can feel my orgasm hovering just over the edge as if you know exactly what you’re doing.”

I grinned against her neck.

There was a reason I hadn’t touched her breasts. There was also a reason why I was keeping my body hovering over hers so that the only thing that she could have stimulation wise was the slight rasp of my skin against hers when I forgot to be so disciplined.

“You should keep those secrets close to your chest,” I teased. “Because now that I know what makes you come hardest and fastest, I’m going to try my damn best to keep you from going before I’m finished with you. Today, you’ll come with me.”

She scoffed. “You could try to make me come with you.”

I leaned back until her hands were forced to release from my hair, then went farther back until my ass met my calves.

My eyes took in her disheveled state. The way that she wanted to reach for her breasts, but stopped herself because she knew that I wouldn’t want her to touch herself like that.

If she had, I’d be forced to restrain her.

I could tell she was contemplating doing what she wanted anyway because she wanted to see what I would do.

I smiled and gave her the answer with my eyes, causing her to shudder.

“Not today,” she said as she reached for me. “Today, we need to hurry because your mom’s watching my kid and there’s no telling what kind of terror he’s been for her.”

I moved my hands to her hips and all but lifted her up the length of my thighs, forcing her to arch in a more seductive way.

The next few minutes consisted of me barely giving her much of my cock, just enough to cause her to squirm, but not enough to make her get anywhere but frustrated.

“Would you fuck me already, Alessio?” she yelled, digging her nails into my thighs. “God, you’re driving me insane!”

I grinned, then gave one hard thrust, giving her everything in one smooth push.

“Oh, Jesus,” she keened.

Then she was closing her eyes and riding the wave as I gave her exactly what she wanted.

Gave us both exactly what we wanted.

Within ten thrusts, I was on the verge of coming, and she was already flying over the edge.

I closed my eyes and let my own take me over, visualizing the way her pussy hugged me while I also felt it.

I groaned and spilled my seed deep inside of her, only opening my eyes long moments later when the last few pulses left me and entered her.

When my eyes finally opened, it was to be caught by the blue jean gaze of the woman that had no clue just how much she meant to me.

“You drive me insane,” she whispered.

I grinned quickly at her, forcing myself to pull out when that was the very last thing that I wanted.

Only when I was completely out did I look away from her gaze and down to where we’d once been connected.

My cock was covered in her and me, and her pussy was dripping with my seed.

God, it was the single most erotic thing I’d ever seen, and I fucking hated that I wouldn’t be able to keep it for more than just a few weeks.

Because that was all I had.


Soon, I wouldn’t even be able to do this.

“You’re way too somber for a man that just blew my brains apart,” she grumbled, moving until she was on her knees and crawling out of my bed.

I looked at the wet spot she’d left behind and wished that I could just make myself forget what was to come.

Yet, all I could fucking think about was leaving this world behind. Who I was leaving behind.

And what kind of state I would leave her in.

Yeah, today would be the only day that I stayed with her.

I’d give her tonight.

Then I was back to my own world.

She would not watch me die.

I wouldn’t let her.


Welcome to my loose interpretation of clean.

-Welcome sign hanging in Mavis’s house


Things went downhill fast.

Exactly like the doctor said they would.

One week he was walking around without oxygen.

The next, he had his bright green oxygen bottle trailing behind him everywhere he went.

It was now six weeks after that meeting with the doctor, and I knew one thing was for sure.

I was so in love with Alessio Murphy Romano that I couldn’t see straight.

And he was really, really pissing me off right now.

One, because he kept trying to leave my house, as well as me in general. And two, he had absolutely zero regard for his own damn life.

I was trying hard to keep him alive and as well as possible, and he was doing everything in his power to be a pain in the ass around every turn.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Madd CrossFit Romance