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Lucinda checked the mirrors. The Beast still had Gaston by the neck and was about to drop him. “Sisters, say it with me now if you want to save Gaston!”

Ruby and Martha relented. “Fine! Make the Beast remember when they were young.” Their voices were flat and unenthusiastic.

“Say it again!” screamed Lucinda. “Say it louder!”

“Make the Beast remember when they were young!” the sisters screeched.

“Remember when you were boys and he saved your life! Just for a moment, remember each other,” Lucinda cried. Then, looking at her sisters, she added, “Don’t look at me like that! I dare you to do better!”

Ruby was transfixed by something in the mirror nearest her. “Look, it worked, he’s letting him go!”

The Beast was bringing Gaston back onto the roof by the scruff of his neck. “Get out!” he growled, tossing Gaston aside. The sisters knew Gaston wouldn’t leave. They counted on it.

“Beast!” It was Belle. She was reaching her hand out to him as he climbed up the turret to kiss her.

“No!” wailed the sisters. “No!”

But before Lucinda could recite another incantation, her sisters screamed in glee at the sight of Gaston plunging a large knife into the Beast’s side. Their delight transmuted into fear, however, when they saw Gaston lose his footing and fall from the castle tower to his death below.

It didn’t matter. Gaston didn’t matter anymore—not to the witches. He had given them what they wanted; the Beast was dying. He was dying in his lover’s arms, heartbroken.

“Let’s get Circe! She has to see this!”

Lucinda crept into Circe’s room, gazing at her sleeping little sister. She looked so peaceful and beautiful sleeping there. As she unfastened the necklace, Lucinda knew in her heart that Circe would be thankful for what her older sisters had done for her.

Circe opened her eyes, then blinked, trying to see which of her sisters was looking down at her with such a buggy expression on her face.

“Lucinda.” She smiled up at her.

“Circe, we have something to show you. Something very important. Come with me.”

Lucinda led her befogged sister to the other room. How it must have looked to Circe, who hadn’t been privy to the evening’s events. The room was lit by an extravagant number of candles, all of them white and reflecting beautifully in the many enchanted mirrors placed around the space. In the largest mirror she saw the Beast.

“What’s this?” she asked as she rushed over to the mirror and placed her hand on its lovely silver frame. “Is he dead?”

All three of her sisters were standing there, hands clasped, like eager little girls waiting for praise. Circe looked down at the scrying bowl, then back to her sisters. She felt ill, hollow, and inhuman.

“You did this?” She thought she was going to be sick. They said nothing. “You killed him?” she cried.

“No! It was Gaston. He killed him!”

Circe couldn’t breathe. “With your assistance, I see!” she said as she threw the scrying bowl across the room.

“We thought you would be happy, Circe! We did it for you!”

Circe stared at her sisters in shock. “How could you think I would want this? Look at the girl! She’s heartbroken!”

She was looking at Belle in the enchanted mirror.

“I love you,” Belle said to the Beast as tears streaked down her face.

Circe was also crying. Her heart was filled with dread and regret. “I never wanted this to happen!” she continued. “Look! She loves him! This isn’t fair. I’m bringing him back! I’m giving him a chance to break the curse.”

The odd sisters started to scream in protest as they advanced on their little sister, but Circe’s fury sent them flying back until they were pinned to the wall.

“Not another word, do you understand? You say one more word and I will give your voices to the sea witch!”

Lucinda, Ruby, and Martha knew their little sister’s powers were far greater than their own, but they had always been able to manage her because she was the youngest. It looked now as though that time was past, however. They were too frightened to speak; like broken dolls, they looked inanimate and frozen in their bizarre poses as Circe continued to rail at them. “I’m bringing him back! I’m bringing him back to life, do you understand? If he loves her, too, then the curse will be broken. And you will never seek to reverse it!”

Tags: Serena Valentino Villains Fantasy