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“Sir,” Lumiere croaked, “might I suggest saying you prefer the castle to be left unoccupied and kept for you by the groundskeeper?”

“Have we a groundskeeper?” asked the Prince, once again struggling for recollection.

“Yes, sir. Not in the traditional sense, but yes. We have everything. Everyone is here, sir, you just don’t see them. Your every wish will still be attended to.”

He looked lost in thought and confusion for a moment while the Prince waited for him to continue.

“And I don’t know, sir, how long you will have me as companion. I don’t know what will become of me when the curse takes its effects. But I will still be here like the rest, I’m sure of that. We will all do our best to make ourselves known to you when we can. To let you know you’re not alone.”

The Prince didn’t know what to say.

“We just hope you’re able to break the curse.”

Something snapped in his mind; his eyes were wild and he verged on the edge of frenzy. Break the curse! He hopes I’m able to break the curse!

As if there was a moment that went by that I thought of anything else but breaking this accursed spell! Get out of here before I strike you!”

Lumiere backed away with every spiteful word.

“I’m sorry, sir! I didn’t…”

“Get out now!” And that was the last the Prince, now the Beast, saw of Lumiere.

At the top of a grassy hill was a dark green gingerbread style mansion trimmed with gold and with black shutters. Its roof stretched skyward, its shape resembling a tall witch’s cap. Nestled within the house were the odd sisters, having their morning tea. Martha was bringing in a tray of hot blueberry scones when she heard Lucinda squeal with delight.

“She’s here! She’s here!”

All the sisters ran to the window, tripping over themselves to see who was there. She walked up the dirt path. Her beautiful golden eyes, lined in black, shined with little specks of green in the morning light as she made her way to the front door. Martha was there to greet her.

“Pflanze, hello! Ruby, quick, get her a saucer of milk!”

Pflanze walked in calmly among the frenzied squeals of excitement that surrounded her. She took her customary seat at the kitchen table, where her saucer of milk was already waiting for her.

Lucinda spoke first. “We’ve seen everything, Pflanze.” She was shaking with delight, she was so excited!

“Yes, everything! We’ve seen it all!” said Ruby. “You’ve done well, our beloved!” They surrounded her, chattering away like little birds while she drank her milk. The heels of their boots where making a clicking sound on the wood floor as they sang Pflanze’s praises.

Circe came into the room bleary eyed to see why her sisters were in such a blissful tizzy at that early hour.

“Ah, I see, Pflanze has finally come home!” She stroked Pflanze on the head as she finished up her milk.

“And where did you get off to, pretty girl?”

Circe’s older sisters looked at each other fearfully, which only succeeded in making them look guilty. It was rare Circe let them get away with their small deceptions. They found it very hard to keep secrets from their little sister. They were often up to some sort of skullduggery, anyway, so it wasn’t a stretch when she’d ask what they’d been doing. It was almost as if they liked being caught by her.

“Or perhaps I should be asking you ladies what you’ve been doing?”

Lucinda put on the most innocent face she could conjure, but it didn’t fool Circe. “Oh, don’t try pulling that with me, Lucinda! I know when you’ve been up to your trickery. Now out with it!”

Pflanze looked up at the witches, all four of them, blinked slowly in thanks for the milk, adjusted her paws, and jumped down from the table. She was above such conversations. She curled up in front of the fireplace while the sisters had it out.

“So?” Circe had her hand on her hip, waiting for her older sisters to answer.

“Pflanze has been with the Prince, keeping an eye on him for us, that’s all.”

Circe rolled her eyes.

Tags: Serena Valentino Villains Fantasy