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I’m truly the happiest man alive.



Years later…

I run my fingers through baby Lo’s hair as he nurses from my breast. I’d slipped out of the annual Crew fundraiser when our babysitter Shelly told me he’d woken up hungry. He’s been sleeping through the night for the past month, so something must have caused him to stir. I think he missed his mommy, and that’s what I’m going to tell myself so I can enjoy these stolen moments alone with him. They are only this little for so long.

Our twin girls are fast asleep in their bedroom. All the excitement of today had worn them out, and they came crashing down from their cotton candy and funnel cake high. Nothing could wake them at this point.

“Do you want Mommy and Daddy to give you a brother or another sister?” I whisper to Lo.

Apollo and I haven't been actively trying for a fourth, but we also weren’t using protection either. Over the past year we’ve been staying more at Craven Cove. Our home in the city is vacant most of the time, because our family wants to be together here.

It might sound weird for us to stay in the same house with our parents, but the Crew estate is massive, and I love having Rory and my mom close. The kids adore them, and I’m not really looking forward to heading back to the city anytime soon. There is a coziness to being here, and it makes us focus on family instead of everything else.

“I’ve been looking for you.” I glance up to see Apollo standing in the doorway of the nursery. The only light in the room comes from the moon flooding in through the window.

“I don’t think you had to look very hard.” I'm pretty sure he knows where I’m going before I do.

He pushes off the doorframe and comes to stand next to the rocking chair. “Is it terrible I’m jealous of my own son?” I let out a small giggle.

“You’re terrible,” I tell him as he leans down and takes a sleeping Lo off my breast. He kisses the top of his little head, and the sight has my heart clenching.

“You like me terrible,” he says, carrying him over to his crib to lay him down.

When I reach down to put my breast back into my dress, Apollo shakes his head.

“Don’t,” he orders as he tucks in Lo and comes over to me. “It’s my turn.” He lifts me out of the chair, and I wrap myself around him as he carries me to our bedroom a few doors down.

“We have to get back to the party,” I moan when he presses me up against our bedroom door.

“Fuck the party,” he growls, and his mouth travels down my neck to my breast.

“Yes, fuck the party,” I gasp when he sucks my nipple into his mouth. Reaching down, I go for his belt to quickly free his cock.

“I’m going to fuck my wife.”

His hand yanks my flowy dress up, and he grips my panties. With one hard tug, he destroys them before he lifts me off my feet and thrusts me onto his hard cock. He’s all the way inside of me in one quick plunge, and I gasp as my pussy clenches around him. He lets out a growl, and that sound never gets old.

“Always so wet and ready for me.”

“Because I’m a good wife.” I press down on his cock.

“The best wife a man could dream of having. I’ll never be worthy,” he says as he starts to thrust in and out of me. I grip his shoulders as he fucks me hard against the door. “My wife. She’ll let me do anything I want to her body.”

“Yes,” I agree. “It’s yours.”

No one on this earth including myself knows my body better than Apollo. He’s memorized every inch of it and knows exactly what I need and how to get me there.

“It is mine. All those assholes downstairs were looking at you and wondering what your pussy tastes like. They were all wishing they could have it. They’ll never know. No one will. I might not be worthy, but I’ll never let you go.”

“Apollo!” I cry out as the orgasm hits me, and my nails dig into his shirt.

“Fuck,” he groans as he cums with me, and I feel his warm release. He pumps into me a few more times, dragging my orgasm out.

I drop my head back against the door as I enjoy the afterglow of the pleasure simmering through my body.

“How do you get more beautiful?”

“How do you keep getting more charming?” I counter, and he leans in, pressing a slow, sweet kiss on my mouth.

“I love you,” he says against my lips.

“I love you too.”

I let out a moan when he pulls his cock out of me and puts me on my feet. My dress falls back into place, and Apollo’s release trickles down the inside of my thighs.

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic