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She clenches around my cock as I grind against her clit, and with a few steady pumps, she cums on me.

The warm rush around me and to the base of my dick is like lighting a match. I thrust hard one last time, and for the third time tonight I cum. Every muscle in my back and legs tense with this, and my breath catches in my throat. As the orgasm swallows me whole, I fall on top of her, trying not to black out.

“That was exactly what I needed,” she says softly, kissing my cheek.

I turn my head so our mouths connect, and I kiss her like the goddess she is. I tell her with my lips what I’m unable to put into words because it’s more than just love that I feel for her. It’s earth-shatteringly powerful, and my entire soul belongs to her.

After I clean her up and cuddle her for a bit, Celeste drifts off to sleep. I know I need to talk to my dad about what Shy said, and it needs to be done sooner rather than later. Without waking her, I slide out of bed and tuck the covers in around her. Then I stand at the side of the bed a little longer before I finally force my feet out of the bedroom.

Part of me wonders if it will always be like this. Will I always have this overwhelming need to have her in my arms? I don’t have much of an example when it comes to relationships because my dad never so much as looked at another woman until Celeste’s mom Anna came along.

When I go in search of my dad, I check his office first. I’m surprised he’s not there, but then again, maybe I shouldn’t be. There’s something happening to him, and I wonder if he’s feeling the same way I am. Could he be in love with Anna the way I’m in love with Celeste? The obvious answer is yes, but it’s not like we’ve really talked about it. I want him to be happy, but no matter what happens with him and Anna, Celeste and I are forever.

After I’ve checked a few other places, I decide to try the back patio since he’s not in the house, but his car is here. When I open the French doors that lead outside, I see the two of them on the loveseat next to the pool. They’re not doing anything scandalous, but the way they’re leaning close to each other looks completely intimate.

“Dad?” I say, and they both turn my way.

“Hey, Lo, what’s up?”

Anna places her glass of wine down in front of her and pats his knee. “I need to go check on something in the kitchen,” she says, clearly understanding my reason for being here.

As she walks by, she gives me a soft smile, and then I feel her touch my hand as she passes. She gives it a little squeeze before she goes into the house. It warms my chest, and for some reason part of me relaxes. I don’t know what that was about, but I haven’t had a mother figure or any sort of motherly affection in my life, and I’m not sure how to process it.

“Come sit down,” my dad says, a smile in his voice as I walk over and take the seat across from him.

The sun has set, but the glow of the moon and the pool light up the outside and make it feel relaxing. I can see why they’re sitting out here enjoying it.

“What’s on your mind, son?”

“I need to talk to you about something I heard today.”

“All right.” He sits forward and puts his proverbial dad hat on. “Let me hear it.”

“Do you know anyone named Shy Wells?”

He thinks for a second as his brow furrows. “No, the name isn’t familiar. Who are his parents?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never met them.” I know that Shy is full of shit, but still I’m hesitant to ask my dad about it. “He made some pretty vague but serious accusations about you this afternoon, and I just want to talk to you about it.”

“Hey, you can tell me anything.” He reaches out and squeezes my knee.

“I know.” I nod, and I believe that in my heart. “He said that you’ve ruined women in Craven Cove. I don’t understand what he meant by that.”

“I have to say I’m at a loss myself.” He lets out a humorless laugh. “Anna is the first woman in Craven Cove that I’ve ever even gone on a date with.”

“He said that if I don’t leave Celeste alone, he’s going to blow our world up, or whatever it is he intends to do. What kind of dirt could he possibly have on you?”

My dad thinks for a moment and looks like he’s genuinely searching for something. “Lo, I have nothing in my past I’m ashamed of.”

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic