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“Holy… I should have killed the king a long time ago!”

I glance at Tyvian to see if he reacts to that poorly, but he doesn’t seem to have any reaction at all. It is as though he is immune to judgement completely.

“If you are hungry, you may use the calling machine on the table. It will connect you to the chef, who will prepare you any of the meals on the menu. Special items are available on request. Through the far door you will find a bathing area where you may clean yourself. There are also ample stores of clothing. If you want a particular size or style, let me know.”

I have gone from surprised to suspicious. They are being far too nice, and there is no reason at all for it. I should be in a small dark hole being whipped and chastised. This ultra elite treatment is strange.

I’m going to take full advantage of it.

I’m floating in soapy hot water, sipping something that makes me feel warm all the way to my belly. If I had known this was what awaited a regicide, I would have actually killed the king. Of course, there is still the execution at the end of this to reckon with, but death feels very far away in a bubble bath. I can lie back in this bath and just soak, soak, soak my cares away. I close my eyes and let myself feel the deepest relaxation I have ever felt outside of the post coital haze.

“You look comfortable.”

I open my eyes to see Rath standing above me.

He’s dressed differently. He’s wearing a soldier’s uniform. Red and gold. The gold really brings out the color of his eye. I tell him as much, though he does not seem pleased at the compliment. His hair has been tied up behind his head, which makes the hard, angular lines of his face even more prominent. To call Rath hot is a criminal understatement. He is the most attractive creature I have ever, or will ever lay eyes on. The water swirls about my bare nethers as I feel myself flare to carnal life beneath his stare.

“This is really nice,” I tell him. “Your dungeons are nicer than literally any accommodation any elite has ever had. I can’t believe it.”

“You are aware that the king intends to have you punished harshly and repeatedly.”

“I am aware that I don’t care right now, and you can’t make me.”

To my surprise, he smirks.


“You sound like you used to.”

“Like I used to before what?”

The smile fades. “You still don’t remember any of it, do you?”

“Murdering a king? No. I don’t remember that even a little bit—and it feels like something I would probably remember.”

Rath crouches down next to the tub. His red suit amplifies all the hard lines of his body.

“Why do you look familiar? I mean, in a different way than you usually do.”

“Probably because this is what I was wearing when we met.”

“You were not wearing a royal guardsman’s uniform when we met at Gettem. You were wearing your bounty hunting harness and you were…” I trail off, not wanting to inflate his ego this close to my execution.

He looks as though he wants to say something, but he looks around, and I suppose it occurs to him that someone might be listening to him.

“You need to at least try to remember the details of your crime, Lyric. It will make what is to come much more meaningful.”

“Are there any more of those little sweets I was eating? The round ones? The dark ones.”

“Is this truly how you intend to spend your last days? Bathing and eating sweets?”

“I think we know I may as well enjoy what there is to enjoy as long as we can enjoy it.”

Rath brings me the sweets.

“It will be me who does it.”

“Does what?” I put a candy in my mouth. It’s delicious. Not quite as delicious as it was when I started the bowl, but still very good.

“From tomorrow morning, you will be hauled naked before the court and thrashed, among other things. It will be painful. It will be embarrassing. And I will not be able to make it pleasant for you. Krush wants to see you suffer.”

“At least this time there will be some point to the suffering. Besides, they’re putting me up here, and they’re giving me delicious treats and this bath, and you’re allowed to come and see me. Are you staying?”

“No. I am not staying. You are a prisoner. Tyvian may treat this place like a hotel, but never forget who you are and why you are here.”

“According to you, I’ve already forgotten.”

“Yes. But I think you’re starting to remember.”

“I don’t think so.”

He crouches down and leans in, his voice low and intimate. “I can see it in your eyes. You know more than you want to know, and soon you won’t be able to stop yourself from remembering. You’re changing back to your old self.”

Tags: Loki Renard Alien Overlords Science Fiction