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“Well,” he started, lowering his mouth to a hair’s breadth from mine. “They’re gonna have to wait for later.”

Without another second, he crushed my mouth with his and slid his hand back between my thighs.



Ross’s alarm went off bright and early, and we both groaned our irritation with the chirping sound. “Damn thing,” Ross grumbled, slamming his hand on the nightstand, searching for his cell phone. In the time it took for him to shut the thing off, I was awake enough to remember where I was and what had happened the night before. As I rolled over, I realized I was still completely naked, and my muscles were deliciously sore. Best damn workout I had in months, I thought to myself.

“What time is it?” I asked Ross, barely able to make out his face in the dim light. Unless he had some killer blackout shades, the sun was just barely getting up for the day.

“Five thirty,” he replied, his voice scratchy and deeper than normal. Pure sex. He rolled over to face me and reached out to stroke the side of my face. “Sorry. I have warm-ups and practice.”

“Do you have to?” I teased, grinning over at him.

Ross cleared his throat. “Actually, I do. I can’t miss practice for anything.”

I scooted closer to him, seeking the warmth of his body. “Okay. I understand. I wouldn’t want to be blamed for jinxing the team. The whole city would turn against me—I’d have to run for my life.”

Ross chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. “I wouldn’t let them do that, but yeah, I have to go.”

I sucked in a breath as he pressed against me, our bare skin meeting again. “Do you ever shower before practice?” I asked, snaking a hand across his thigh to stroke his deliciously hard cock.

Ross sucked in a rough breath that turned to a groan halfway through. “Not usually, but something tells me I’m gonna need a cold one this morning.”

“How about we take a hot one? We’ll make it fast.”

“Damn, baby. You sure you’re real?”

I laughed and kissed him hard while I stroked him, waking up every little cell in his body—along with my own.

After an extra steamy shower fuck, we raced to get dressed so he wouldn’t be late, and Ross dropped me off at home, giving me one last, long kiss to hold onto until the following day when we’d reunite in New York. I waved as he drove off and then hurried up the walk. My parents were both awake when I got inside—still wearing the same clothes as the night before—I cringed. While I’d been away at college, I could do the walk of shame back to my dorm with minimal embarrassment but living at home took on a whole new meaning. My cheeks were flaming red before I even reached the staircase.

“Morning, Shelby,” Dad chirped from his usual place at the kitchen island, paper in hand, coffee to the right.

“Morning, Dad,” I said, cringing slightly.

My mom eyed me from her place at the stove as she whipped up some eggs. “You want breakfast, honey?”

“Um, no thanks. I’ll grab something later. Rayna and I are meeting up for lunch.”

“Okay, dear.”

I bolted up the stairs and pledged to myself that the first thing I was going to do when I got back from New York was to look for an apartment.

Once I’d showered, changed, and applied fresh makeup, I packed an overnight bag for the following night when I’d be in New York. Thinking about spending most of the weekend in the city with Ross filled me with fresh butterflies. Especially knowing we’d get the chance to have a repeat performance of the mind-blowing night before.

When my bag was packed, I grabbed my purse, slipped on my boots, and jogged back downstairs. My parents were done with their breakfast and had moved to the living room where they were discussing some news article from the paper. What can I say? They led an exciting life. It was actually sweet. They’d been married for thirty years and still spent as much time together as possible. My dad worked a lot of hours, which was why my mother threw herself into so many volunteer opportunities to keep busy. But when it was the summer or winter break, they were inseparable.

I joined them in the living room and plopped down on the loveseat adjacent to where they were sitting on the couch. I clasped my hands together in my lap and cleared my throat. “Okay, guys, let’s get the elephant out of the room. Yes, I spent the night with Ross. I’m not going to lie and say I was at Rayn’s or something. I was definitely with a man.”

Dad laid the newspaper aside but kept his reading glasses on as he glanced around the room, apparently unable to make eye contact. My mom offered a quiet smile. “We figured,” she said. “It’s your life, honey. Ross is a nice young man. As long as he treats you well, we support both of you and however you see fit to live your life.” She gave my dad a soft elbow and he grunted, then nodded his agreement. My heart swelled, wondering how hard it was for my dad to accept that his little girl was all grown up.

Tags: K.B. Winters Romance