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His smile drops. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It is what is.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make everything seem like it’s okay?”

I shrug. “Because it is. I can’t do anything to change the past, so why continue to let it bother me?”

He nods and focuses his attention back on the road. The lakeside town disappears as we drive through the winding roads toward Monza.

“Are you any good at it?” He breaks the silence.



“I’m not one to show off, but I’m wearing one of the pieces I made now.” I point down at my embroidered T-shirt. It’s a basic pocket tee, with a bunch of multicolored dainty flowers designed above the pocket. It was a total nightmare to design, but I love it all the more because of how hard it was to make.

“Wow. I thought you bought that.”

I shake my head, hiding my smile. “No. I like designing pieces like this.”

“Have you ever thought of selling them to the public?”

I snort. “Not really. I’ve never had the time or money to start my own Etsy shop.”

“Would you be interested? If you had time, that is?”

I pause and consider it. Thinking up designs feeds the creative side I’ve neglected throughout the years while overworking myself. I love the thrill I get when drawing out my creations on the fabric and bringing them to life. The peace from the process and the sense of accomplishment once the piece is done is another bonus.

I love it all. From beginning to end.

“I mean, in a perfect world where I had limitless money and didn’t have to work as much, sure. But the world is far from flawless, so I’ll stick to the things I know will support me.”

“You should consider making more time for your hobby.”


“Because if you love something enough to smile like you are right now, then you should pursue it before it’s too late.”

I press a hand to my lips. “I don’t have the time.”

“And you never will if you keep finding reasons not to.”

Whoa. Here I’ve been pushing Santiago out of his comfort zone, only to have him do the same. Santiago is embroidering himself into my skin like the designs I love so much, and I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do about it.



I regret agreeing to visit my family at the Monza track. It takes everything in me to step out of my car after the road trip from Lake Como. The valet workers don’t leave me with much of a choice as they take over, grabbing our luggage from the back. I pull my cap low on my face as I take a deep breath of the fresh air.

Chloe exits the car with a huge grin plastered on her face, staring up at our hotel with wonder. “Oh my God. Look at this place! It’s even cooler than your house, and you live in a castle!”

I never noticed the details of this older hotel when I stayed here with the Bandini team. Looking at it with Chloe goggles, I appreciate the architecture and classic design.

Tags: Lauren Asher Dirty Air Romance