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“Everyone woos. You’re breaking my eighties-loving heart.”

“Really? How many men have you wooed?”

Her cheeks flush. “Uhm…I don’t woo. But that’s different.” The words rush out of her mouth.

“Of course it is. Double standards tend to be oddly convenient.”

Her mouth parts. “Excuse me? There are no double standards. I just was never interested in wooing someone before! That’s totally different.”

“Because your eighties-loving heart set your standards for love too high?”

“Exactly. You’d understand if you grew up around my mother and her crappy boyfriend. I’d rather have high standards than that dumpster fire mislabeled as a romance.”

“Wait. Have you not been in love?” I don’t know why I’m shocked. I’ve never been in love either, but Chloe…she’s different. Someone should’ve snatched her up by now. At least for a little while.

She focuses on the steering wheel. “No. Have you?”

“No,” I answer honestly.

“See, maybe if you wooed a girl, you’d be in love already.” She flashes me a grin.

I shake my head and return my attention back to the task. “Stop distracting me so I can explain how this is done.”

I go through each step with her, explaining the gear shift, the pedals, and all the other basics she needs to know.

She grips onto the gear shift and tries to move it. Her brows pull together as she releases an exaggerated sigh. “Well, I guess since the car is broken, we should just quit now before anyone gets hurt. Better safe than sorry.”

“You forgot to turn the car on.” I cover my smile with my fist.

“You’re enjoying my struggle way too much. I knew you were demented, but this is a whole new level of fucked up, Santiago Alatorre.” Chloe rolls her Rs perfectly.

My dick perks up at the way she says my name. I’ve yet to share my nickname with her, which is new for me. I kind of like how Chloe’s one of the few peo

ple to call me Santiago rather than Santi. Might as well keep it that way. I shimmy in my seat, adjusting myself while explaining how to turn on the car.

I pluck her hand from the gear shift and show her the movements. The addictive smell of her invades my nose as I lean in. I want to stay in the position, with my dick throbbing and her driving my car becoming an erotic dream.

Yeah, I’m a horny fucker. I got it. Anyone would be after being in a relationship with their right hand for as long as I have.

“Did you just sniff my hair?” Chloe’s incredulous voice snaps me out of my fantasy.


“Oh my God, you totally did!” Her giggles become a full-blown belly laugh.

“You’re delusional. I was trying to check for any gas leaks.”

“In my hair?” She turns toward me. Her chest brushes against my arm, reminding me of everything I’m tempted to touch. “You’re shy.” She traces a finger across my heating cheeks.

Her touch ignites a fire in my veins, forcing more blood into the very cheeks she strokes.

Fuck. Since when have I been shy?

Since you became a freak to the public, the small yet effective voice in my head offers.

I cover up my dark thoughts with an eye roll. “No. Men like me aren’t shy.”

She pokes my chest before dragging her finger down the muscles of my stomach. “You totally are. Tell me, why do you like sniffing my hair?”

Tags: Lauren Asher Dirty Air Romance