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My eyes focus back on the TV. I rub my belly in a circular motion, hoping to ease the baby. “Are you excited for your daddy too, little guy?”

I take the next kick to my stomach as a yes.

Santiago doesn’t let his guard down for the rest of the race. He sails past the finish line, and the crew goes wild.

“He did it!” I jump into Maya’s arms. We cry together, the matching tears streaming down our faces as Santiago parks his car in his first-place spot.

We walk, even though my heart wishes I could run. My baby has other plans like throwing a private party in my belly.

Someone passes Santiago his iWalk as soon as he lifts himself out of the car. He straps it on and stands, ripping off his helmet in the process. He turns toward us and shoots us a huge smile.

“You won! You’re officially a World Champion!” I walk straight into his waiting arms and breathe in his scent of sweat and gasoline.

Is it healthy? No.

Is it slightly addictive and reminds me solely of him? You betcha.

“I already was a World Champion before this.”

I punch him lightly in the arm. “Now’s not the time to be cocky.”

“You’re right. How rude of me. I’ll refrain, seeing as I have the perfect evidence of my cockiness right in front of me.” He places his gloved hands against my belly.

“Hold on. Take your gloves off.”

He follows my request and bites the tips, successfully ripping them off.

Who knew glove removal could be this sexy? Sign me up for a replay, please.

“You’re daydreaming again.” He smiles.

“Sorry. Look!” I place his hands against the spot that was active not a minute before.

“Am I supposed to rub your belly and make a wish?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Asshole. Just wait.”

It doesn’t take more than a minute for our little guy to return with a vengeance.

“Ay Dios,” Santiago whispers under his breath. “Is that what I think it is?”

“He’s happy Daddy won the Championship!”

Santiago keeps his hands on my stomach as he leans down and captures my lips with his. He deepens the kiss, stroking his tongue against mine. People clapping forces us apart.

His eyes glitter with happiness. “I won more than a Championship. I won a woman who makes me appreciate every day how lucky I am to have survived that crash in the first place. Because I couldn’t imagine never meeting the one person who completes me. I never believed in soulmates before you, but I’ll be damned if you didn’t make me a dreamer with your wishes and wildflowers and smile that could make any bad day instantly better.”

My hormones take over, and the tears make an encore appearance.

“I love you.”

There’s no doubt in my mind that I love this fearless man with everything in me. The man who taught me love isn’t something to be feared but revered. The very one who spends every single day of his life showing me how much he loves me—with his words, with his actions, with every breath he takes to support our family.

I’ll love Santiago Alatorre for as long as the wildflowers keep growing in beautiful chaos.


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Tags: Lauren Asher Dirty Air Romance