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“I...” Harry said. “It’s complicated.”

“Unbelievable,” Jake said, shaking his head. “Whatever.” He looked at Adam. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when he fucks you over again.”

He left Adam’s office, muttering something angrily under his breath.

Silence fell over the room.

Harry looked at Adam hesitantly. He didn’t like the expression on his face.

“The thing is,” Adam said with a humorless smile. “Jake is right.”

Harry stomach dropped.

Adam walked over to Harry, the look on his face almost grim. Putting his hands on the desk on either side of Harry, Adam looked at him intently. “You’re going to fuck me over,” he said, his tone very mild, contradicting the grim, unsmiling look in his eyes. “Aren’t you, babe?”

Harry swallowed, licking his lips.

Adam leaned in and pressed his nose against Harry’s cheek, nuzzling into him. “Yes, you will.”

He shook his head dazedly.

“You will,” Adam said again, dropping a barely there kiss on the corner of Harry’s mouth. Harry made a small sound and parted his lips eagerly, chasing Adam’s mouth with his.

“Fuck,” Adam said, cradling Harry’s face in his hands. He kissed the other corner of Harry’s mouth. “How are you so fucking... It’s like you were created to fuck me up. You’ve been lying to me—you’re still lying to me, but a part of me doesn’t give a shit. And it pisses me off.” He finally kissed Harry for real, his lips greedy but soft. Harry kissed back, hungry, so hungry, wanting to swallow Adam, wanting to have him, take him inside himself and never let him out. He wanted to be kissed harder, deeper, forever. He wanted so much. Until Adam, he’d never known it was possible to want a person so much, to crave them, to want to be physically joined with them. He was so hard already, hard and aching. He wanted—wanted—he wanted Adam to shove him on the desk, fill him up and make them whole.

Adam groaned and broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against Harry’s. “Not here,” he said tersely before diving for another kiss.

All too soon for Harry’s liking, Adam pulled back again. Whining, Harry tried to bring their mouths back together.

Adam laughed hoarsely and practically jumped away from him. “Dammit, Haz,” he said, his breathing unsteady, his cheeks flushed and dark eyes glassy. He loosened his tie and averted his gaze. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” Harry said, rubbing at his swollen, oversensitive lips.

“Like you want me to fuck you on my desk.”

“But I do.” Harry crossed his legs tightly and put a hand on the bulge in his jeans, trying to relieve the ache.

Adam groaned, raking his hand through his hair. “Don’t say that,” he said. He looked pained. “How am I supposed to work when you look at me this way?”

“I can go,” Harry offered, even though it was the last thing he wanted. He didn’t want to be away from Adam. He stared at Adam longingly. He wished they could be joined physically all the time—he wished he could feel Adam in his mind.

“I don’t want to get you in trouble,” Harry said when Adam said nothing. “I can go.”

Adam pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Yeah, it’s probably better if you do. I can’t focus on anything with you here. Go before I get fired. We can meet during my lunch break.”

“Okay,” Harry said, hopping off Adam’s desk. “I’ll wait for you at the coffee shop.”

Adam nodded briskly.

Neither of them moved. They stared at each other.

Adam chuckled and turned away. “Fuck, this is ridiculous. Get out. Now.”

Harry left, smiling to himself.

In the corridor, he stopped and then ran back inside to kiss Adam one more time. Just one.

He left twenty minutes later, feeling thoroughly kissed, giddy, and loved up.

Harry chuckled, pressing his fingers to his swollen, oversensitive lips.

They really were being ridiculous. It was just a few hours.

What could possibly happen in a few hours?


Time positively dragged when you waited for something, Harry noted, sighing to himself.

“Something wrong with your coffee, Haz?”

Harry glanced at his untouched coffee before shaking his head. “It’s fine,” he said, smiling at Samantha. She had been really angry at him when she had first seen him (“How could you just disappear like this? I was worried, you prat!”), but thankfully she had forgiven him.

“I’m just...” Harry squirmed when she shot him a knowing look.

“Oh my God,” she said, grinning. “You finally fucked him.”

The bell chimed.

“I—” Harry said before noticing that Samantha’s eyes were elsewhere.

“Holy shit,” she murmured, looking at something behind Harry. “Look at that hottie, Haz.”

Curious, Harry turned—

And froze.

A tall, broad-shouldered man stood by the entrance, sweeping a cool gaze of silver eyes around the coffee shop. His long midnight-blue hair was tied back and did nothing to soften the razor-sharp cut of his firm jaw or the steel in his gaze as his pale eyes locked with Harry’s.

Tags: Alessandra Hazard Calluvia's Royalty Erotic