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I writhe and moan as he moves in and out of me. He gives my nipple another sharp tug and then his hand is gone, running down my body. He puts his hand flat on my pubic bone and presses my clit with his thumb as he slams into me.

That does it. My orgasm comes from nowhere, taking me by surprise. It moves through me, lighting me up, making me feel alive as I coast through pulsations of pleasure. He presses my clit again, keeping me in the zone, pushing me closer to the edge of oblivion. I am no longer aware of anything but the feeling of intense pleasure that holds me in its fiery fingers, of Falcon’s cock in my pussy, his thumb between my lips.

A shudder goes through my body, and I feel myself become rigid, suspended in the air, my ass and lower back arching up, my neck and shoulders pushing down against the bed. I am held in position by an unseen force as Falcon ravishes me, driving me over the edge with the relentless pleasure that is so intense it’s almost painful.

My hands are fists, my feet arched into claw-like shapes. I squeeze Falcon’s body with my thighs and his cock with my pussy. I can hear him panting, moaning. He’s almost over the edge himself. I clench myself around him, and he calls out my name. Hearing him say my name in a roar pushes me over the edge, and I am tumbling through black, my eyes rolling, not seeing.

My whole body pulses, a nerve ending pushed past its limits. I feel my orgasm in my pussy, my stomach, my inner thighs. Every part of me comes alive, every nerve stands to attention. I can’t breathe, can’t move, can’t think.

The intensity wrenches a scream from my tortured lungs, taking my last bit of air, and my head spins. I manage to gasp in a ragged breath that stings my throat and then I’m coasting again, coming back to myself. The black fades away, and I see Falcon standing over me, banging his cock into me. His face is twisted as his own orgasm races closer.

I clench my pussy again, and he moans loudly as he spurts into me, one hand on my hip, the other one on my stomach. He groans again, louder this time. It sounds like he’s in pain. His head goes back, and I can see the tendons straining in his neck as his cock twitches, releasing his seed into me.

His body goes slack, his breath coming in a series of ragged pants as I release him from between my legs and he collapses onto the bed beside me. We lie side by side, enjoying the post-coitus feeling and trying to get our breaths back.

I reach out with my fingers and find Falcon’s hand. He takes mine into his, and we lie that way for a long time, just enjoying the air on our skin, the feeling of our hands touching. The closeness we’ve always shared.

I know just how lucky I am. I have never loved Falcon more, and I know I will get to spend the rest of my life with this gorgeous, amazing man right by my side, holding my hand through thick and thin.




I grin to myself as I walk along the corridor to get Jody from her hotel room. How things have changed in the last six years. The twins are twenty—fucking twenty—and I still have no idea how that happened. It barely seems like six weeks have passed since they were crawling around getting into mischief with matching pacifiers in their mouths.

And now one of my babies is getting married. I remember when Josh, her fiancé, came to me and asked my permission to ask for her hand in marriage. I was so fucking angry. I don’t know how I didn’t strangle the life out of him. I asked him through gritted teeth if he got my daughter pregnant. It wasn’t funny at the time, but looking back now, the comical look on his face as he tried to convince me he most certainly had not, that he loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and have kids a long time in the future with her, makes me laugh.

Elle came into the room before I could answer him. She walked to my side, took my hand, and kissed me on the cheek. And then she reminded me that Jody was older than we were when we got married. It should have helped, but I couldn’t help thinking of the things Elle and I did in the bedroom. My baby couldn’t be doing that shit. Not with anyone. Ever.

Elle calmed me down enough for me to at least hear Josh out. I had already thoroughly vetted him as I did with any guy either of the twins dated, and he seemed clean, but I needed to know he wasn’t going to break her heart.

Tags: Lola StVil Dirty Ever After Billionaire Romance