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Unbeknownst to Elle, I’ve done a bit of digging into Franklin’s background, and I’ve managed to track down and talk to a few of the women who were paid to keep quiet, and a few who just left without trying to rock the boat.

It seems Franklin has a pattern. He usually sends new recruits out with one of his best salespeople to train. If he takes a liking to them, he trains them himself. That’s a red flag. Then he takes them on their first sales call when he deems they’re ready, and he makes his move in the car, on the way back to the office. Those who turn him down find themselves failing their probationary period. If they go along with his advances, they get a chance to prove they are actually useful to the company and they may or may not get to stick around.

Guys like that make me fucking sick. I mean, if you like a woman, you should ask her on a fucking date, not put her in a position where she has to choose between grinning and bearing it and keeping her job, or walking away from your advances and losing her job.

Elle told me last night she thinks she might be ready for her first sales call today. I told her to text me where she was going, and I would feed her some useful information about the company. I will do that, but that’s not the point of the text really. The point is, I’m going to follow them, and if that fucking pervert puts so much as a finger on my wife, I’m going to kill him. Literally, kill him.

I’ll have to be subtle though because if I’m wrong about this and Elle catches me following them, then I’m pretty sure we’ll be done.

This whole thing has given me a severe wake-up call regarding my marriage. I have neglected Elle too much. And whatever happens, I won’t be doing that again. I trust the staff to handle the day-to-day problems and issues that arise within the company. It will free up so much of my time to get the other parts of my job done, and I might find myself not working sixteen-hour days quite so much. I’ll be able to be a husband as well as a CEO this way and give Elle all of the attention she deserves.

I sit at my desk, trying to focus on my work, but it’s no good. All I can think of is Elle. And the more I think about her, the more I find myself getting turned on. I think about the extra time we’ll have together. How I will spend it showing her she’s the most gorgeous woman in the world. I think about how I’ll lick her pussy until she comes in my mouth. How I will fuck her, reclaiming her, visiting all my favorite spots over and again, leaving my mark on her. I think about how I will hold her in my arms while she tumbles through orgasm after orgasm, flooding wet, lost in her pleasure.

I feel my cock getting hard as I think about what I’ll do to her. How I’ll bend her over the kitchen counter and fuck her there. How I’ll lay her down on the stairs and eat her pussy until her waterfall cascades around us. How I’ll fuck her in every inch of the house and beyond.

My cell phone vibrates on the desk. It’s Elle, and my heart races when I read her message.

“We’re going to Obsidian Music. Heading out in ten. I’m so nervous. Help!”

Luckily, Obsidian is a company I already know pretty well. I’ve had a few meetings with their CEO, Trevor Bates, and I text Elle a couple snippets of information I know will help her cause, not least the fact that Trevor hates sleazy salespeople who kiss his ass. He likes short and to-the-point facts about what a person can offer him.

I explain to my assistant that something came up and I’m not to be disturbed within the next two hours under any circumstances. I tell her to refer any problems to the new team and to push my meetings to tomorrow.

I practically run to the elevator, and by the time I leave it, I am running. I know I won’t be in time to intercept Elle and Franklin on the way to the meeting, but that’s okay. He never tries to do anything before meetings because he wouldn’t have the time to do anything if the woman he hit on actually agreed to go along with it. I know his car, so all I have to do is drive to Obsidian and find somewhere to park where his car is in sight and I am not too noticeable.

I take a company car rather than my own. Elle may still recognize it if she gets a good look at it, but it won’t draw her attention as my car would, so I have a much better chance of her not spotting me this way.

Tags: Lola StVil Dirty Ever After Billionaire Romance