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Licking his lips, Sam looked at Dominic’s cock. “You can just stick it in, you know. I’m all stretched and slick.”

Dominic’s hand stopped moving. “Sammy—”

“Just saying,” Sam said, flushing. “It’s not a big deal. Why waste all the hard work you did? You made me come and now I gotta return the favor, right? I don’t mind getting you off that way.” It was the understatement of the century, and after all his shameless begging, Dominic was likely perfectly aware of it.

But he didn’t call Sam out on it.

When Dominic said nothing, Sam finally found the courage to look at his face.

Dominic was looking at him with a very strange expression, a mix of different emotions in his eyes.

Sam held his gaze, his heart hammering somewhere in his throat. “I promise I won’t make a big deal out of it. I already came, so, like, it won’t be sex. Just a wet hole for you to fuck.”

Dominic’s eyes seemed to get darker. “Condoms?”

Sam’s breathing hitched, his cock twitching. “In the pocket of my jeans.”

He watched breathlessly as Dominic tore the wrapper and rolled the condom on without a word. Dominic didn’t even bother undressing, just moved between Sam’s splayed thighs and lined his cock up. Fuck—

Sam bit off a moan as the head breached his swollen, sensitive rim. Gripping his thighs, Dominic spread them impossibly wide and shoved all the way in, spearing Sam on his cock. Sam gasped, his cock swelling again as he tried to adjust to the cock buried inside him. It felt overwhelming. It felt glorious.

Trying to swallow his moans, Sam could only hold on to the headboard as Dominic gave him the most thorough fucking of his life. It wasn’t at all like he’d imagined sex with Dominic. It wasn’t affectionate. It was filthy, with Dominic basically using him like a hole, fully clothed but for his cock thrusting inside him.

Sam didn’t care. That was what he’d suggested, after all. He was fine with being used for Nick’s pleasure, fine with everything, as long as Nick didn’t stop. He tried not to make any noise, tried not to rock back onto Dominic’s cock, no matter how desperate he was for those vicious stabs against his prostate that sent sparks zinging through his skin. He had told Dominic it wouldn’t really be sex, so he didn’t want to be too obvious about enjoying himself.

But God, he couldn’t. Sam let out a sob as Dominic nailed his prostate with amazing accuracy, over, over, and over—until Sam came again, biting back a scream as his orgasm flooded through him like a riptide, one brutal rush of ruthless ecstasy. He was a quivering, gasping mess, jerking with every move of Dominic’s cock inside him. Finally, Dominic groaned and stopped moving, his cock softening inside Sam.

Sam sighed, feeling breathless and blissfully fucked out.

His eyes slipped closed. He would talk to Dominic in a minute.

But when he opened his eyes next, it was morning already.

He was alone, Dominic nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 20

“Morning,” Dominic said, sipping his coffee. He was already dressed for work, in a pair of gray trousers and a white shirt that looked obscenely good against his tanned skin.

Sam tore his eyes away and took a seat at the table. “Morning,” he said, trying to act normal. He had promised Dominic that he didn’t have any delusions and he didn’t want to be a liar.

They had fucked. Dominic had fucked him.

In the daylight, it seemed surreal. If he wasn’t a little sore, he would think it had all been a dream.

“I’ll be home late tonight,” Dominic said.

Sam’s eyes darted to him. “Why?”

Dominic grimaced slightly. “I have a date with Luke Whitford.”

Sam felt his stomach clench.

“Already?” he said weakly. “That was fast.”

“My cousin James arranged it, actually.” Dominic took another sip from his mug. “He’s Luke’s best friend. I didn’t even have to ask him to do it. Apparently James thinks Luke needs some distraction after his kidnapping.”

“Weird,” Sam mumbled. “Agreeing to a date just a month after such a traumatic experience.”

Dominic nodded. “It does seem a bit strange.”

“Could it be a trap?”

“Unlikely. James is a nice bloke, one of my better relatives, actually. He seems genuinely worried for his friend. I’m starting to think he’s hoping that I’ll take Luke’s mind off something—or someone.”

Sam looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?”

Dominic shrugged. “It’s just a hunch. I could be wrong.”

“Come on, tell me anyway!” Sam said, giving Dominic his best puppy eyes. He was a bit surprised how easy it was to act normal, to tease Dominic and be a brat. He didn’t feel any different about Dominic now that they’d shagged—perhaps a little more aware of him physically, but since he’d always been extremely aware of Dominic’s body, it was nothing unusual. Sam was sure it was a good sign that nothing had changed for him.

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