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“Really,” Sammy said without inflection, looking at Dominic intently. “You’ll let me suck your cock? I don’t need your pity, Nick.”

“What pity?” Dominic smiled ruefully. “This is me being a possessive asshole. All I’m saying that if you want to suck cock, I want it to be mine.”

“You’re straight,” Sammy said, giving him an uncertain look.

“So what?” Dominic said, standing up and putting a hand on the back of the couch next to Sammy’s face. He leaned in, looming over the boy. “I was straight a week ago too when you sucked my cock every day.”

“We were on a mission,” Sammy said, his breath quickening, his green eyes fixed on him hungrily. “It was different.”

“Was it?” Dominic said, brushing his knuckles over Sammy’s jawline. It would be a lie to say that he didn’t like the effect his proximity had on Sammy. He’d never considered himself an egomaniac, but fuck, he loved being the center of Sammy’s world. It was messed up, but it went straight to his cock. “You think I didn’t enjoy it? You’re good at giving head.”

Sammy swallowed. “Okay, but—it will be temporary. I’m gonna get over this crush. Soon. Real soon.”

“Okay,” Dominic said, running a hand over Sammy’s neck and feeling him tremble. “Whatever you want. Do you want a kiss?”

Sammy made a small sound, leaning into the touch. “Can I?”

“Of course,” Dominic said before slotting their mouths together.

Dominic had kissed a lot of people, but kissing Sammy felt nothing like kissing male marks or even women. He’d never kissed someone who felt like his. He’d never felt like the only thing that mattered was drawing hitched breaths out of Sammy, little broken off sounds of pleasure that made him feel ten feet tall. The boy was wonderfully responsive, trembling at the barest flicker of Dominic’s tongue and kissing back hungrily. It was oddly addictive, and Dominic found himself closing his eyes and letting himself enjoy the slick heat of Sammy’s soft, eager mouth.

It was harder to break the kiss than he’d expected.

“Fuck,” Sammy whispered, his eyes glazed and his breathing hard. “This is a terrible idea.”

Dominic kissed him on the nose, stroking his thumb over Sammy’s moist, trembling red lips. “Probably,” he said, fascinated by how puffy and used Sam’s mouth looked. “I won’t kiss you again if you don’t want it.”

Sammy huffed and yanked him on top of him. “Don’t you dare,” he said, pulling Dominic’s head down and crushing their lips together.

Dominic tried to prop himself on his elbows and take some of his considerable weight off the lanky boy, but Sammy was having none of it: he wrapped his arms and legs around Dominic, pulling their bodies flush together and whimpering into Dominic’s mouth. Giving in, Dominic kissed him deeply, his mind getting foggier the longer he had his tongue in Sammy’s mouth. He was aroused—far more aroused than he’d ever been with any male mark, his cock pressed against Sammy’s thigh through the layers of fabric separating them. He could feel the boy’s erection, but he didn’t feel even a hint of wrongness that he usually felt with male marks. While it was a relief—Dominic didn’t want this to feel like work—it proved how strange his attachment to Sammy was.

“Nick,” Sammy panted out against his lips, squirming. “Please. I wanna come. Make me come.”

Dominic reached between them and palmed the boy’s cock through his jeans. He gave it a good squeeze and Sammy moaned, long and shameless.

“What do you want, baby?”

Sammy looked at him dazedly, his cheeks flushed and mouth wet. “Can you—” He swallowed, blushing harder. “Can you finger me?”

Dominic stared at him.

He extricated himself from Sammy and got to his feet.

Disappointment and embarrassment flashed across Sammy’s face.

Dominic said, “Get undressed and wait for me in your bedroom.”

Sammy’s wide-eyed, aroused gaze was the last thing he saw before leaving to get supplies from his bedroom.

This is a fucking terrible idea, a voice hissed at the back of Dominic’s mind.

Dominic grabbed the bottle of lube and stared at the pack of condoms that lay beside it in the drawer.

Chapter 19

Sam was shaking.

His fingers were trembling as he undressed hurriedly and stared at his own bed.

Should he lie down?

He glanced back at the open door and decided it would be less awkward if he were already in bed by the time Dominic came.

There was the sound of footsteps, and Sam climbed into bed and lay down on his stomach.

“Ready?” Dominic said. His voice sounded a little strange.

Sam’s stomach clenched, goosebumps covering his skin. He tucked his forehead into his folded arms and let out a long breath. “Yeah.” Despite his nerves, he was turned on. He’d never been more turned on.

He could feel the slight rocking of the mattress as Dominic got on the bed, but it felt distant and drowned out by the rush of blood in his ears. He could feel Dominic’s gaze on him.

Tags: Alessandra Hazard Straight Guys Erotic