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“This one does,” Sam said haughtily and licked Dominic’s thumb.

“Gross,” Dominic said but didn’t pull his hand away.

“Disagree,” Sam said, licking the thumb again. His eyelids slipping shut, he sucked Dominic’s thumb into his mouth. The taste of Dominic skin, the feel of something hard in his mouth was quickly making him lightheaded and horny. God. It had been ages since he’d sucked cock.

“Jesus, Sammy,” Dominic said, sounding a little strangled, and removed his thumb.

It felt like a bucket of cold water.

Sam opened his eyes, his face hot with embarrassment.

“Sorry,” he said awkwardly. “You probably noticed I have a bad case of oral fixation.” He forced out a laugh. “Like, if you don’t want me to suck your cock, you’d better not put things in my mouth.”

Dominic didn’t laugh.

It was hard to read his expression in the dim glare of the TV.

“Can we please forget it?” Sam said with a grimace. “I’ll go out and pull someone.” Sam suppressed another grimace. He wasn’t exactly eager to suck some random bloke’s cock, but he couldn’t let his sexual frustration strain things between them. Sam sighed. “I was planning to go out and get laid anyway. It’ll help me get rid of this annoying crush.”

Dominic removed his hand from Sam’s hair. “Yeah, it would probably be better if you go out and… hook up with someone your age.” His voice sounded a bit odd: uncomfortable and stiff—almost as if the idea of a gay hook up was gross.

Sam frowned. “Never pegged you for a homophobe.”

“Of course I’m not,” Dominic said, his brows drawing together. “It’s just… One night-stands can be dangerous. There are a lot of creeps out there.”

Rolling his eyes, Sam sat up. “I’m a big boy, Dominic. I can take of myself.” He headed to his room. If he wanted to pick someone up, he needed to change.

He tried to ignore the knot of discomfort in his stomach.

Why did it feel like he was going to cheat on Dominic?

Chapter 18

Sammy emerged from his room fifteen minutes later, wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans that showed off his long legs. When Sammy bent to grab his phone from the coffee table, Dominic pursed his lips and looked away.

“I probably won’t be back until morning,” Sammy said. “Can I take your car?”

Dominic headed out. “I’m driving you.”

“What? No!” Sam caught up to him in the driveway. “No way!”

“Why not?” Dominic said, getting into his car. “You think I’ve never been to a gay club?”

“It’s not that,” Sammy said, climbing into the passenger’s seat. “Fuck, this is weird, Nick. I don’t want you there while I…” He flushed and averted his gaze, looking embarrassed.

“Give me the address,” Dominic said evenly.

Sammy gave him the address. Dominic started the car, his face carefully expressionless. Sammy was absolutely right: he wasn’t a naive little virgin whose virtue needed protecting. He could take care of himself. If he wanted to suck some stranger’s cock, it was none of Dominic’s business.

“Are you all right?” Sammy said, looking at Dominic warily.

“Of course.”

Sammy shrugged a little. “You look kind of pissed off.”

Dominic was so surprised that he nearly crashed into the car in front of them. Fuck. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had correctly guessed that he was angry and called him out on that. Since when had he become so transparent?

“I’m worried,” he said, his eyes fixed ahead. “One night stands can often go wrong. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Sam sighed. “I guess it’s sweet of you, but for the last time: I’m not a baby. I’ll be fine. Promise me you won’t interfere.”

Dominic said nothing.

“Nick,” Sammy said.

“I promise,” he said tersely.

They didn’t speak for the rest of the drive.

The club was very crowded, but mercifully, the music wasn’t too loud. Dominic ordered a beer he had no intention of drinking, leaned against the bar, and followed Sammy with his eyes.

Those jeans were fucking obscene. They made Dominic uncomfortable and twitchy. He had to resist the urge to find a blanket and wrap Sammy in it so that no one could ogle him.

“Boyfriend?” a male voice said—yelled—over the music.

Dominic glanced at the man—tall, blond, irrelevant—before returning his gaze to Sam. He was dancing with someone now. The guy was around twenty, a typical jock, all brawn and no brain.

“No,” he said, realizing the blond was still waiting for his response. “Just a kid I have to watch after.”

“That must suck,” the blond said sympathetically. “How did you get saddled with babysitting duty?”

Dominic didn’t reply. The jock was all over Sammy now, his hands slipping from Sammy’s narrow waist to his pert ass. Tightening his grip on his beer, Dominic reminded himself that it was none of his business. Sammy wasn’t a baby. He had promised Sammy to not interfere.

“Is he your little brother?” the blond said, clearly not getting the hint that he wasn’t interested.

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