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“But what about Luke?” Sammy said. “He won’t exactly be thrilled if he finds out that you’re living with the sugar baby you bought on some kinky cruise. It will contradict your image of a dependable man looking for a serious relationship.”

Dominic heaved a sigh. “I know.” The Brylsko mission had compromised his cover either way. “I’ll try not to bring Luke home, but if he finds out about you, I’ll tell him that you were a homeless child that I had seen around my house a few years ago who I felt sorry for and brought home. Obviously I’ll say you’re straight.”

“It won’t work if Luke finds out about the sugar daddy cruise,” Sam pointed out, playing the devil’s advocate.

Dominic hummed in agreement, considering and discarding ideas.

“I could say that I brought you home when you were, say, fifteen,” Dominic said. “You lived with me for a few years, but then you got upset and ran away when you found out that I was considering settling down and starting a family of my own. I’ll tell Luke that you have trust and abandonment issues. That’s why you ran away and I couldn’t find you for a while. Then I heard from someone that you were desperate for money and signed up for some dodgy cruise. Of course I had to interfere. But I couldn’t simply drag you back, so I had to buy you to keep you safe from perverted old men and women. So here we are.”

“That…” Sammy said. “That could work, actually. It perfectly explains why someone like Dominic Bommer would be on a cruise like that.” He paused before saying in a small voice, “You really want me to live with you?”

Christ, Dominic wanted to hug him. “Yes, Sammy. Pack your things. I’ll talk to Amanda and pick you up in a few hours.”

“But she hates you. Are you sure she won’t say no?”

Dominic smiled grimly. “I’m sure.”

Chapter 17

His bag slung over his shoulder, Sam got out of the lift and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Amanda standing there, her arms crossed behind her back, her posture straight and her expression cold.

Was she waiting for him?

A sense of dread filled him, his excitement fading into uncertainty. He had filed the appropriate forms Dominic had told him to file, but, despite Dominic’s words, Sam wasn’t all that confident that Amanda wouldn’t forbid him to leave headquarters and live with Dominic.

“Ma’am?” he said cautiously. “I can go, right? I was allowed.”

“Of course you can go, Sam,” she said with a kind smile. “But be careful. Now I understand why you refused to file any complaints against Agent 11.” Her lips curled. “Agent 11 has… a certain effect on some women, and it appears you fell victim to it, too. Of course it’s not your fault. You’re young and impressionable and he’s an expert at manipulating people.”

Sam put on a smile that was probably as fake as hers. “Thanks for warning me, ma’am. That’s very kind of you. Now if you’ll excuse me… “ He strode out of the building before she could stop him.

Fucking hell. Even Brylsko seemed far more likable than Amanda.

Sighing, Sam reminded himself that he was biased and that this was likely affecting his judgment. Amanda must have some admirable qualities too. She was obviously very capable and ambitious if she had managed to get such a prestigious job. It must not have been easy to succeed in a field governed by men.

Her words did bother him, but likely not for the reasons she wanted. He was bothered that her words didn’t manage to plant even a sliver of doubt in him. He absolutely trusted Dominic—trusted him far beyond a mere crush.

A blast from a car horn made Sam jump.

He looked around until his gaze stopped on the silver Mercedes. When he saw Dominic behind the wheel, Sam’s heart lurched and he blushed, for no reason at all. Ugh.

Smiling sheepishly, Sam walked to the car and climbed into the passenger’s seat, putting his bag at his feet. “Has Amanda always been so creepy?” he said. “She’s just tried to convince me that you’re a big bad wolf manipulating a naive impressionable boy like me.”

Dominic started the engine. “No, she wasn’t always like that. She just feels threatened and she isn’t one to go down without a fight.”

“She’s evil,” Sam grumbled.

Dominic chuckled. “She isn’t evil, Sammy. She isn’t more evil or manipulative than me.”

Sam frowned, disagreeing and not understanding how Dominic could be so calm about it. “She’s trying to get you in trouble.”

“It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last,” Dominic said, returning his eyes to the road.

Sam stared at his profile. Dominic had shaved. He’d looked very good with a beard, but the sight of his clean-shaven jaw and the sun-kissed skin of his throat made Sam’s mouth water. He wanted to lick that jawline and then nuzzle into Dominic’s neck. He wanted—he wanted… Sam’s gaze moved helplessly to Dominic’s tanned, muscular forearms exposed by his rolled up sleeves.

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