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Jared shifted slightly, propping himself on his elbows above Gabriel. His cock moved a little too. Their gazes met and held as Jared started moving. It was incredibly, terrifyingly—amazingly—intimate, and Gabriel felt his entire body tremble. He put his hand on Jared’s nape and pulled him down, suddenly needing to be kissed, to feel Jared’s breath in him.

Jared kissed him thoroughly. He was a bit too rough, but Gabriel didn’t mind. Jared’s deep kisses and the feeling of Jared’s stubble added to the almost painful intensity of having his cock inside of him. Jared’s pace picked up and he stopped kissing Gabriel, just breathing raggedly against his mouth as he pounded into him. He wasn’t gentle anymore, his fingers digging hard into Gabriel’s hips as his cock dragged against that spot inside of him that sent small shocks of sharp pleasure through Gabriel’s body.

He needed more, but the weirdest part was he didn’t want to move to meet Jared’s thrusts. There was something about being utterly still and just taking it that turned him on more than he’d ever been in his life. He loved the feeling of vulnerability, loved the sensation of Jared’s heavy body moving on top of him, the thick length of Jared’s cock taking him in the most intimate way possible. It felt achingly right. Jared owned him: his heart, his soul, and now his body. He belonged to Jared and Jared belonged to him.

But a part of him still couldn’t believe they were really doing this, and he blushed, imagining what his teammates would think if they saw him now: impaled on Jared’s cock and making inhuman little noises—some pathetic, broken noises he hadn’t thought he was even capable of. Pleasure was spreading through his body, focused not on his cock, but inside of him, sharp and startling. God, he wanted to be fucked harder—

As though hearing his thoughts, Jared’s thrusts quickened to a speed that Gabriel couldn’t believe was possible. Jared’s head leaned back as his thrusts became animalistic and wild, causing the bed to creak and no doubt bruising him, but Gabriel didn’t care. “Jay,” he whispered brokenly when it became too much.

Jared groaned and said, “I know,” before he slammed hard against his prostate, again, and again, and again, and Gabe was gasping, and half-sobbing, and begging—

Gripping his hips harder, Jared drove hard into him, his breath fast and ragged against Gabe’s ear as he came inside of him. “I love you. I love you so much.”

Waves of mind-numbing, toe-curling pleasure washed over him, and Gabe came too, shuddering and clinging to Jared. It felt like his orgasm lasted forever, spasms of pleasure rocking his body. Oh God. God.

“Shh,” Jared murmured, kissing him all over his face.

Gabriel forced his eyes open and blinked blearily.

Jared smiled down at him, his cheekbones still flushed, his forehead and disheveled dark hair moist with sweat. He was the most beautiful thing Gabriel had ever seen.

A small crease appeared between Jared’s brows. “You okay? You look…”

“Like someone fucked my brains out?” Gabriel said weakly with a faint smile. His voice sounded weird, like it didn’t even belong to him.

Jared studied him carefully before starting to pull out—

“No!” Gabriel said. He squirmed under Jared’s inquiring gaze. “Don’t pull out.” His face was probably as red as a tomato. “Stay in me.”

Jared got a slightly pained look on his face. “You really have no idea what you do to me.”

Grinning, Gabriel looped his arms around Jared’s neck. “I think I have a pretty good idea now.” He pulled Jared down and kissed softly, and then again, and again. He broke the kiss to look at Jared and smiled. “You should have fucked me years ago and saved us the headache.”

Jared groaned and kissed him deeply before rolling onto his back and putting Gabriel on top of him. Gabriel let out a disappointed sigh when Jared slipped out of him.

Running his fingers through his hair, Jared said, “If I stayed inside you, I’d get hard again.”

“So what?” Gabriel grumbled, nuzzling into Jared’s chest. He wouldn’t mind doing it again.

Mind? Who was he kidding? Just the thought of having Jared deep inside of him again sent a pleasant tingling sensation dancing down along the base of his spine.

Jared’s hands slid up and down his back before settling on his ass. “You have a game tomorrow. You’d be sore.”

“After we win, then?”

Jared chuckled, his hands squeezing his ass. “So you really liked it, huh?”

Gabriel rubbed his nose against his chest. “Are you fishing for compliments?”


The seriousness of Jared’s voice made him look up.

Jared’s expression was somber, lines of anxiety around his mouth. “It’s not hard to turn someone on. Many gay men have sex with women all the time—they even marry and have kids. Arousal is just a response to stimuli and I’m an experienced lover. I know you enjoyed it physically, but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I’ve had sex with a girl when I was a teenager. I managed to get it up, I managed to come, but it felt wrong and dirty and not what I truly wanted. If it feels wrong, it feels wrong and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Tags: Alessandra Hazard Straight Guys Erotic