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“Oh, my God!” Mercy cried.

Before Eve’s body hit the ground, she wavered several inches above the grassy earth where she would have fallen if not for her parents’ intervention. Mercy glanced at Judah and he at her, and he realized that both of them had used their powers to protect Eve.

Judah walked across the meadow while his thoughts kept Eve suspended in thin air. She turned her head sideways and smiled at him as he approached. He reached out and pulled Eve into his arms.

“Mother’s angry,” Eve said.

“Leave your mother to me.”

Mercy came up alongside Judah and glowered at Eve. “I’ve warned you about doing that. You can’t control your powers, and until you can, you must curtail your—”

“She has to practice, doesn’t she?” Judah said as he set Eve on her feet.

Eve looked up at Judah with absolute adoration. Mercy winced.

“There are safer ways to practice,” Mercy said.

Eve clutched Judah’s hand, as if she knew he would protect her from her mother’s displeasure. “Daddy can help me with my lessons.”

“No!” Mercy all but screamed the one word response.

“Why not?” Eve whined.

“Because your father is leaving today.” Mercy shot Judah a warning glare, daring him to contradict her.

“No, Daddy, please don’t leave.” Eve tugged on Judah’s arm. “I want you to stay.”

“I have to go,” he told her. “I can’t stay.”

“You’re making him go away!” Eve shouted at Mercy. “I hate you! I hate you!”

Eve clenched her teeth tightly and narrowed her gaze, concentrating on her mother. Without warning, a high wind came up and the sky turned gray. Streaks of lightning shot out of the clouds and hit in several spots surrounding Mercy.

Stop! Judah ordered his daughter. I know you’re angry, but you might hurt your mother. You don’t want to do that, do you?

Immediately the wind died down, though the thunder continued to rumble repeatedly. Within moments the sky cleared and the sun reappeared.

Judah began to understand his daughter’s true powers. He had never known a child of six who was capable of half of what he’d seen from Eve. And he also understood Mercy’s concern for their child. Untutored power such as Eve possessed most certainly could be dangerous, not only to others but to Eve herself.

With tears caught in her long, honey-gold lashes, Eve ran straight to Mercy and threw her arms around her mother’s unsteady knees. “I’m sorry, Mommy. I didn’t mean it. I’d never hurt you. I love you. I don’t hate you.”

Mercy lifted Eve into her arms and hugged her fiercely to her breast. Judah exchanged a glance with Mercy and noted the sheen of tears in her eyes.

“I know. I know.” Mercy soothed her remorseful child. “You must promise me that you will try harder to control your temper and not use your powers when you’re angry.”

“I—I promise…I’ll try.” Eve clung to her mother.

Judah turned and walked away.


He paused and glanced over his shoulder. Eve was resting on her mother’s hip, her bright Raintree eyes shimmering with tears. “Will you come back to see me very soon?”

“I’ll come back to see you when the time is right,” Judah replied.

2:00 p.m.

The house was unusually quiet, with Sidonia working in the herb garden and Eve taking an afternoon nap. Mercy sat alone in her study, the blinds drawn, the lights out, and thought about her predicament. Judah was gone. But for how long? He had left with nothing settled between them. In less than twenty-four hours he had saved her life, discovered he had a daughter and turned their world upside down.

Tags: Beverly Barton Paranormal