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I’m happy I get to see her again so soon, but especially happy we’ve got gym together for the last period of the day. I wonder if she drove to school or if she needs a ride. I can’t explain this nagging feeling I’ve got to look out for her, but all I want to do is be by her side.

It’s probably because she had a tough first day, and not because I’m completely in love with her. Right?

Chapter Five


I toss my half-eaten sandwich into the trashcan as I exit the library. I love my mom, but she can’t cook to save her life. I mean, how does someone even begin to mess up making a sandwich? It’s not even technically cooking. I can’t help but laugh it off. I suppose she can’t be brilliant at everything she does.

I pull my schedule out and check where my next class is. I swear this school can be a maze. I've been lucky so far today, and no one has said anything about what happened yesterday. Except for Apollo, but I'm pretty sure Emerson told me his name was Crew.

Not wanting to test my luck, I avoided the cafeteria today just in case. I didn’t want someone to bring it up, or worse, do something to embarrass myself yet again. After my first class was finished, Apollo was waiting outside to show me to my next class. He told me he’d be in the cafeteria after that, but I wasn’t sure if that was an invitation or not. Instead of intruding on this lunch group, I hid out in the library. I didn’t want to assume I could sit with him if he was only being nice.

“Celeste?” I turn when someone calls my name, and I see a younger guy staring at me. He has to be a freshman since he still has a baby face with full cheeks. He’s got a school shirt on with the eagle logo and the word rowing across his chest.

“That’s me.”

“Score.” He smiles, pulls out his phone, and begins to text.

“Did you need something?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

“Nah, I found you first. Thanks,” he says before he turns and leaves.

What the heck was that?

“Okay then,” I say to myself as I make my way toward my next class. I actually find it on my own this time and feel a little spark of pride.

“Celeste!” Someone shouts my name again before I enter the classroom, only this time I don’t have to turn around to know who it is. I’d recognize Apollo’s deep voice anywhere.

“Hey.” I step back out of the doorway, not wanting to block anyone from coming or going.

“You didn’t come to lunch.” He makes it sound like an accusation.

“I packed my lunch today.”

“You could still eat it in the cafeteria.” He smirks, stepping closer to me. “I wanted to give you something. I forgot earlier.” He lifts his hand, revealing the glasses I lost yesterday, and I gasp.

“You found them.” I try to take them from his hand, but he pulls them back.

“I want a trade.” That cocky smirk on his lips grows bigger, and I see a dimple form in his cheek.

Oh great. He keeps getting hotter by the second. I’m sure he’s Mr. Popular around here because he’s the finest senior I’ve seen. I should keep my ears open and listen for any gossip about him. Then maybe I can squash this building crush, because Apollo has heartbreak written all over his handsome face.

“What do you want?” I nervously bite my lip, and his eyes lock on my mouth.

“Your number. That way I can text you when I can’t find you and not have the freshman rowing team searching for you.”

“Wait, what? Why would you do that?” Well, that explains the guy from earlier. Apollo doesn’t answer me but pulls his phone out and waits for me to give him my number. Did he really want to track me down that bad to give me my glasses?

“What will you give me if I give you her number?” Emerson comes out of nowhere and drapes an arm around my shoulder.

Apollo narrows his eyes on my friend, and the scowl makes him somehow more adorable. Damn it. Emerson and I texted back and forth a little bit last night and today.

“You gave him your number?” he asks me, but he’s still glaring at Emerson.

“He helped me,” I remind him.

“I did too, so I think that means I should get your number also.” Apollo reaches out and pushes Emerson’s arm off my shoulder. Emerson chuckles, and I realize he’s enjoying this.

“Fine,” I huff, rattling it off. Half a second later, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

“I’ll be here after class. We can walk to the gym together,” Apollo says and then finally hands me my glasses.

Tags: Alexa Riley Romance