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A slow smile spreads across Natalie’s face as she nods. “I like the sound of that…” She lays her head in the crook of my neck. “Of being yours.”

Chapter Twelve


Before I open my eyes, I already know Liam is gone. It’s crazy how, even after all this time, and only knowing him for such a short time, I can feel him—or in this case, lack of him. My eyes land on a piece of paper on the pillow next to me and I lift it up to read it.

Natalie, I didn’t want our daughter to see me in your bed until we speak to her, so I slipped out. I have some work to do, so when she wakes up, I’ll have breakfast with her so I can spend some time with her. Sleep in, take a bath, and join us when you’re ready.

- Liam

A cheesy grin spreads across my face as I read the note for the second time. My phone buzzes from the bedside table, and I set the note down to see who it is. The caller ID shows it’s Aria calling, so I answer it.


“Hey you,” she says back. “Are you getting on the plane soon?” Yesterday was supposed to be Jasmine’s and my last day of our trip.

“Actually,” I say, sitting up. “There’s been a change of plans.”


“Are you sitting? Because what I have to tell you, you might want to be.”

Aria laughs. “I’m sitting.”

“I found Liam.”

There’s silence and then, “Oh my God! Liam, Liam? Jasmine’s father, Liam?”



“This is the part you need to be sitting for,” I half-joke.

“You finding him wasn’t the crazy part?”


“Well, tell me!” she demands.

“He’s the King of Lexenburg. It’s a small country in—”

“I know where Lexenburg is!” she squeals. “It’s where you guys were visiting the…Holy shit! The castle!”

“Yep, we stepped up to take a picture with the king, who made an unexpected appearance, and there he was.”

“Oh my God. So, he knows?”

I spend the next twenty minutes telling her everything that’s happened in the last… well, damn, it’s only been less than twenty-four hours, yet it feels like it’s been days, maybe even weeks. Being with Liam does that to me—forces me to lose all track of time. When we’re together, it’s like the entire world disappears and time means nothing.

When I get done telling her everything, she asks, “Does this mean you guys are going to move there?” Her question is tinged with a hint of sadness and I know how she feels. As happy as I am to have found Liam, being with him will mean leaving Florence and the small family we’ve created there.

“We haven’t discussed it yet, but I don’t think the king can move.”

“No,” she agrees. “Well, damn.”

“We’ll be back in a few weeks. Even if it’s just to get our stuff… And we can visit, and you can visit us.”

“Yeah, of course,” she says. “It’s just, I’m going to miss you…”

“Me too.” We’ve spent the last six years practically joined at the hip. Our kids think they’re cousins instead of merely friends. I’m going to miss living down the street from them, but this is Liam—Jasmine’s father and the man I fell in love with all those years ago and never fell out. It’s all happening so fast, but he was right about what he said last night. We missed out on a lot and have a lot of making up to do.

We talk for a few more minutes, and once we hang up, I jump in the shower. After blow-drying my hair and getting dressed, I head out to find Liam and Jasmine. The part of the estate he lives in is huge and has what feels like a million halls, so when I turn the corner, one I could’ve sworn I already turned, I realize I’m lost.

As I’m pulling out my phone to call him, I run into someone. “I’m so sorry…” I say, glancing up to see… What was her name?

“Stephanie,” she finishes. “I’m glad I ran into you. I was looking for you. We need to talk.”

Her cold tone doesn’t sit well with me, but she’s Liam’s assistant. “Sure.”

She leads me to an office and closes the door behind us. She steps behind a large oak desk and gestures for me to have a seat. When I do, she sits as well, steepling her fingers together.

“Did you know that for the last several decades Lexenburg was the fourth wealthiest country in the world?”

“Actually, it’s the third.” I did my research when planning our trip. I love teaching Jasmine about each place we visit.

“That’s correct. It’s wealthy because of how it’s run. After William took over for his father, making the changes he saw fit, he jumped it up from the fourth to the third wealthiest country. Our unemployment rate is the lowest in the world. Our country is thriving and it’s because of William.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance